June edition 2020

Every human has the right to be appreciated, earn a income, to happiness, have personal development, create, love and much more. We trust to be part of that. And we trust you will be too. A simple purchase or recommendation can make the day, week or year of a fellow human. Let’s just do that! Every human has the right to be appreciated, earn a income, to happiness, have personal
development, create, love and much more. We trust to be part of that. And we trust you will be too. A simple purchase or recommendation can make the day, week or year of a fellow human. Let’s just do that!

from madeincuracao More from this publisher

June 2020












I Am Made In June 2020 2

Time for change!

The industrial revolution has

brought us many advancement.

But not all the developments

resulted in a better planet.

We are grateful to many persons

and groups that have done their

part to inform and educate to

create a better planet for everyone.

I Am Made In wants to be part

of the change. Informing the

consumer of products that are

made by people and not by

mass production.

We are all unique and we deserve

products that fit our needs


Every human has the right to be

appreciated, earn a income, to

happiness, have personal

development, create, love and

much more.

We hope to be part of that.

And we trust you will be too.

A simple purchase or recommendation

can make the day,

week or year of a fellow human.

Let’s just do that!

Find more information:

- http://www.iammadein.com

- http://www.iammadein.com/


- https://www.facebook.com/






Nederlands / Dutch



Page Topic Lang

1 Buy local matters E

2 Colofon E

3 Irresistible dessert E

4 Our magazine E

5 Optimize E

6 - 7 #BlackLives for sustainable development E

8 Karchi 60 plus P

9 - 13 Just4KIDZ: Comics E

14 - 20 Just4KIDZ: Did you know? / Wist je dat? E, N

21 - 25 Just4KIDZ: Strips N

26 Launch of new local beverage P

27 How to use your Showcase E, P

28 What are blogs good for E, P

29 How to use your Webshop E, P

30 Metis E

31 Metis N

32 Make it 3D E

33 Gift certificate Made in Curacao N

34 Papaya P

35 - 38 Kura di Shon Fil E, P

39 Curacao Creations E

40 Bo tambe por P



What’s app # +5999 6637989

I Am Made In June 2020 3

I Am Made In June 2020 4

Our digital magazine

We trust you have been enjoying our digital magazines.

We would love to share some tips and tricks with you to enjoy them even better.

Did you know:

- You can download the magazine. Look for the PDF link.

- You can use the links in the downloaded magazine.

- The magazines will stay online.













I Am Made In June 2020 5

I Am Made In June 2020 6

Black Lives for Sustainable Development

In this special article, we celebrate the #BlackLivesMatter movement by highlighting black entrepreneurs

working towards sustainable development in the Dutch Caribbean.

Photos reprinted with permission from Mac and Field Environmental Consultancy

Stacy Macdonald is a born YDK, or native of Curaçao, pursuing

her Phd in the Netherlands. Witnessing the degradation

of our resources, she began Mac and Field, a consultancy

for environmental effects for businesses in the


Mac and Field have recently set up the first agroforestry

projects in Saint Eustatius. They are actively involved in

spreading new agricultural techniques like syntropic farming

throughout the region.

Find more about her at their website:


Let’s dare to do something, no matter how small—to be

the change in these interesting times. – Daniel G Parris

Daniel Parris and Klarvin Cijjntje are two of the founders

and lead environmentalists who are working on the

project ‘Greening the desert Curaçao’. Greening the desert

Curaçao was created to introduce more food forestry

to Curacao, as a way of increasing food security and

fighting desertification. The main activities include tree

planting and syntrophic agriculture, also known as food

forest based on permaculture principles all over the island.

With their approach, Daniel and Klarvin are not

only restoring Curacao’s forest ecosystem, but they also

work on realizing regenerative approaches to agriculture.

This will help increase the level of food security on

the island!

I Am Made In June 2020 7

Hailing from the iconic island of Jamaica,

Achsah Mitchell obtained a well-rounded

Bachelors in Environmental Biology from

the University of the West Indies (UWI),

Mona Campus. Her Master of Philosophy in

Marine Science was the first survey of invasive

marine species in the ballast water of

cargo vessels in the Caribbean. After a few

years as a freelance biologist, she started

working as an education and outreach

officer at

St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation. Achsah draws from wide experiences

both in nature and with tutoring children of various ages to bridge the gap between

people and the rest of nature.

“Let’s dare to do something, no matter how small — to be the

change in these interesting times. “

– Daniel G Parris

Daniël Poolen is a sustainability researcher for

energy transition and circular economy at

RaboResearch. He focuses on developments in

the area of the green EU taxonomy, energy transition

and circular economy with a special interest

in plastics. Daniël has a background in sustainability

engineering and journalism. He has

worked on the topic of plastic pollution with

(inter)national environmental organizations. Before

Rabobank, he worked for two years at the

Royal Dutch Society of Engineers where he

managed projects on various topics concerning sustainability and circular economy. He was

a presenter and journalist for several Dutch television programs on sustainability at the

Dutch Foundation for Public Broadcasting (NPO). Daniël studied Industrial Design Engineering

with a focus on Sustainable Technologies for Product Development at the University of


I Am Made In June 2020 8

Anunsio importante

Stichting Karchi 60+ ta partisipá ku nos a kuminsá bek atrobe den e Normal Nobo

ku nos servisio pa kuido di pia. Nos tin nos Medische Pedikurista sra. Hertha

Smith ku ta sigui duna e kuido di pia pa nos grandinan. Solamente mester yama

pa traha un sita.

Tambe sra. Hertha ta bisa; ku den e tempu moderno aki no mester operá uña di

pia mas. E ta komuniká ku e tin solushon!

Spesialmente pa nos hendenan ku ta sufri di “ingrow”, uña ku ta krese den karni

di e dede pia.

No ta importá ku ta un hende ku tin diabétis of mal sirkulashon, tin tratamentu

i tin solushon: traha un sita na Stichting Karchi 60+

Tambe nos ke partisipá ku ta duna e kuido i masashi pa man.

Pa mas informashon yama na Stichting i traha un sita di djaluna pa djabièrnè

entre 8or mainta te ku 5or di atardi. Telefòn 4624433/ 4624432

Stichting Karchi 60+ ta bai kuminsá ku mas kurso; Obra di

man, kurso di Franses i kurso di Maderin ( Chinees ) pero

si teniendo kuenta ku e Normal Nobo.

Tur nos otro servisionan tambe a sigui pero ku e Normal


Obra di man

Tur edat por tuma kontakto ku Karchi 60+ pa informashon

kon partisipá, e-mail: info@karchi60plus.com

I Am Made In June 2020 9

LITA & friends, part ii

Script, art & lettering: Pat S. Cann, colours: Giovani Zanolino

I Am Made In June 2020 10

I Am Made In June 2020 11

I Am Made In June 2020 12

I Am Made In June 2020 13

I Am Made In June 2020 14



You’ve probably seen lightning strike? Or

turned on a light bulb? The light you see

is from electricity!

Je hebt toch wel eens bliksem gezien? Of

een gloeilamp aangezet? Het licht wat je

ziet is elektrisch van oorsprong!

Images: Max LaRochelle https://unsplash.com/photos/uu-

Jw5SunYI and Mikael Kristenson https://unsplash.com/

I Am Made In June 2020 15

Electricity is made of small

particles called ‘electrons.’

They carry a negative


Elektricitiet bestaat uit

kleine deeltje die

‘elektronen’ heten. Ze hebben

een negatieve lading.

When electrons are taken away, it

leaves a positive charge. This happens

when you comb hair or fur: the electrons

move to the comb. The charge

on the comb becomes negative and

on the hair positive.

Wanneer elektronen worden

weggetrokken, laten ze een positieve

lading achter. Dit gebeurt bijvoorbeeld

wanneer je haar of vacht kamt:

de elektronen gaan naar de kam. Het

haar krijgt een positieve lading en de

kam een negatieve.

Images: http://electricitybypranay.blogspot.com/

I Am Made In June 2020 16

Left: Opposite charges attract one

another like a magnet. Charges

that are alike repel each other .

Links: Negatieve en positieve lading

trekken elkaar aan als een

magneet. Ladingen die hetzelfde

zijn stoten elkaar af.

Above: Example of opposites attracting. When you rub

cats fur or hair against plastic, the plastic gets a negative

charge and the fur/hair gets a positive charge.

Boven: Hier zie je voorbeelden van ladingen die elkaar

aantrekken. Wanneer je de vacht van een poes of haar

van een mens inwrijft met plastic, krijgt het plastic een

negatieve lading en het haar/de vacht een positieve.

Images: Wikimedia Commons

I Am Made In June 2020 17

The earth also has a charge. Normally, the earth is negatively

charged and the sky is positive. Even the plants on the earth

have a negative charge! We can’t feel it, but many insects like

bees can feel it.

De aarde is ook geladen. Normaal gesproken is de aarde

negatief geladen en de lucht positief. Zelfs de planten op de

aarde zijn negatief geladen! Wij kunnen het niet voelen of

zien, maar veel insekten zoals bijen wel.

Images: Wikimedia Commons

I Am Made In June 2020 18

Storm clouds have a

very large negative

charge. This charge

repels the electrons

on the earth surface.

The electrons go

underground. The

earth surface gets a

positive charge.

Stormwolken hebben een heel grote negatieve lading met

veel elektronen. Hierdoor worden de elektronen op de grond

diep in de aarde gedrukt.

De bovenlaag van de grond verliest zijn elektronen en krijgt

hierdoor een positieve lading.

The electrons in the

storm clouds are now

attracted to the positive

charge on the

surface. They come

down in a flash and a

loud thunderclap...

De elektronen uit de stormwolk worden nu aangetrokken

door de positief geladen grond. Ze komen omlaag met een

flinke donderslag...

Images: Wikimedia Commons

I Am Made In June 2020 19

And voila!

En voilà!



Images by Joseph Catells https://unsplash.com/photos/5Mh8iz9vqpY and Wikipedia commons

I Am Made In June 2020 20

The Bolas Spider

De Bolaspin

The bolas spider is an

unusual spider, because it

doesn’t spin a web to catch

prey. Instead, it uses a bolas.

A bolas is a small ball made of

a string of silk and glue,

hanging from a silk line. When

prey comes near, the spider

swings the ball around like a

lasso. The insect winds up

stuck to the bolas, and voila!


De bolaspin is een aparte spin. In plaats van

een spinneweb, maakt deze een kleefballetje

om prooi te vangen.

Met een zijdedraadje en wat lijm spint de spin

het kleefballetje en laat hem aan een lijntje

hangen. Waneer er een insekt langsvliegt,

zwaait de spin hem in het rond. Het balletje

komt tegen het insekt en blijft kleven. Etenstijd!

Fun fact: the bolas is named after the weapon used for hunting in the Americas

since ancient times (above left). The weapon is thrown and entangles an animal’s


Weetje: de bolaspin is vernoemd naar de bola, een wapen wat de indianen al

duizenden jaren gebruiken (bovenlinks). Het wordt tijdens de jacht gegooid en wikkelt

zich om de poten van het dier.

Images: Wikimedia Commons and https://www.bioscripts.net/zoowiki/temas/21A/araas_wiki_009.jpg

I Am Made In June 2020 21

LITA & vrienden, deel ii

Verhaal, tekeningen en text: Pat S. Cann, kleuren: Giovani Zanolino

I Am Made In June 2020 22

I Am Made In June 2020 23

I Am Made In June 2020 24

I Am Made In June 2020 25

I Am Made In June 2020 26


Do you want to be one of the first to be a

part of this local innovation?

Email us at info@iammadein.com with the

subject: ‘BEVERAGE’ and get your invite to

the launch party!

I Am Made In June 2020 27


Bo tin bo SHOWCASE ONLINE kaba?

A Showcase is a full online page for

you and your products. With a Showcase

you will give your client a

distraction-free tour of what you have

to offer and how it can bought.

Join ‘I Am Made in’ showcases.



- Give your potential client a tour of

your business

- Improve awareness & increase sales

- Connect with potential clients outside

your region

- Novel shows for every season / promotions


- Reduce costs

- Reduces restrictions

Un Showcase ta un página pa eksponé

bo Negoshi. Embes di tin un

bentana na bo lokashon bo tin esaki

digital. Bo kliente potensial por wak

sin destrakshon tur loke ku bo ta

ofresé i kon kompra esaki!

Join ‘I Am Made in’ showcase:



- Laga bo kliente tour den bo Negoshi


- Konektá ku kliente ku no ta den bo


- Tin show nobo pa kada temporada /

promoshon, etc.

- Redusí e kosto

- Kita restrikshon di orario

I Am Made In June 2020 28

Got your own product BLOG yet?

Bo tin un BLOG tokante bo produkto kaba?

You matter!

And it matters that your clients can

find your info and read all about your

product or service.

Let us interview you and broadcast

your great product.

Email us at: info@iammadein.com

and we will get your blog started .

Abo ta importante!

I ta importante pa bo kliente por

haña mas informashon tokante loke

abo ta produsí i lesa tokante bo

produkto o servisio!

Laga ‘I Am Made In’ hasi un entrevista

ku bo pa asina kompartí e

grandesa di bo produkto.

Email: info@iammadein.com

I Am Made In June 2020 29

Got your WEBSHOP yet?

Bo tin bo WEBSHOP kaba?

Online shopping is your business on

the World Wide Web, allowing consumers

to buy directly from you, the

seller, over the Internet and paying


Un webshop ta un forma di komersio

elektróniko ku ta permití e kliente

kumpra bo produkto òf un servisio

for di internet i paga mes ora.

Join ‘I Am Made in’ webshops



Join ‘I Am Made in’ webshop:



- Greater flexibility

- Expanded customer reach

- Best way to sell in The New Normal

- Lower cost

- Global clientele

- Supply on demand

- Mas fleksibilidat

- Ekspandé bo klientela

- Mihó manera pa bende den e Normal


- Redusí kosto

- Kita restrikshon di orario

I Am Made In June 2020 30


Op innovatieve wijze maakt Metis zodanig gebruik van natuurlijke hulpbronnen

dat door efficiënt energiebeheer in feite elke gebruiker in zijn eigen behoefte

kan voorzien.

Daarbij is een belangrijk uitgangspunt dat alle apparatuur, zoals ook de EVlader,

voldoet aan alle eisen die voor duurzaamheid gelden, zoals geen gebruikmaking

van milieubelastende materialen en een lange economische levensduur

van gemiddeld 25 jaar.

De doelgroep voor de Metis EV-lader is in feite elke energiegebruiker in het

algemeen en de (toekomstige) eigenaar van een elektrisch voertuig (EV) in het


Het is bijzonder geschikt om te combineren met een eigen opweksysteem zoals

een PV-installatie bij voorkeur met DC converter, waarmee het in de toekomst

mogelijk is de EV rechtstreeks, en dus supersnel, met gelijkstroom te laden. In

combinatie met onze 100% duurzame piekscheer voorziening kunnen deze faciliteiten

ook voor het normale energieverbruik 24uur per dag worden benut.

Lees meer: https://iammadein.com/curacao/blog/13674/energiebeheer

I Am Made In June 2020 31


Metis makes innovative use of natural resources in such a way that through

efficient energy management, each user can in in fact provide his own needs.

An important principle here is that all equipment, including the EV charger,

meets all requirements for sustainability, such as no use of environmentally

harmful materials and a long economic life of an average of 25 years.

The target group for the Metis EV charger is in fact every energy user in general

and the (future) owner of an electric vehicle (EV) in particular. It is particularly

suitable to be combined with a private generating system such as a PV system,

preferable with a DC converter, which in the future makes it possible to charge

the EV directly and therefore super fast with DC. In combination with our 100%

sustainable peak shaving facility the equipment can also be used for normal energy

consumption for 24 hours a day.

For the charging process (Mode3) as used by Metis a socket in a special version

(standard type2) with corresponding plug is used. This plug connection charges

any EV for any desired charging current, in a safe and a fast way.

Read more at: https://iammadein.com/curacao/blog/13675/energymanagement

I Am Made In June 2020 32

Makeit 3D

3D Printing Services


I Am Made In June 2020 33

Het geld dat je uitgeeft als je lokaal koopt, geeft de gemeenschap terug: in een

job voor je buurvrouw, uniform voor de sportploeg, in minder export van geld,

je kan makkelijk met de producent praten, je stimuleert lokaal talent, je krijg

investering in onze eigen infrastructuur met onderhoud van winkels en huizen,

lokale bedrijven kunnen meer personeel aannemen om aan de vraag te voldoen,

schonere lucht door minder invoer, meer werk voor de onderaannemers,

meer gezelligheid doordat het lokaal persoon zich gewaardeerd voelt.

Als we ons geld op Curaçao zouden uitgeven in plaats van in het buitenland,

kunnen we extra lokale jobs creëren.

Vele van de lokale ondernemers hebben in de afgelopen jaren

het verenigingsleven, een maatschappelijk project en/of een culturele of

sportieve activiteit gesponsord.

Lokale handelaars zijn degenen die jaarlijks sponsoring geven. Daar mogen we

best trots op zijn en hun een hand geven om dit te kunnen blijven doen.

Met het extra geld dat we lokaal houden, kunnen meer lokale bedrijven, sponsorships

verstrekken en zo onze gemeenschap meer voorspoed voortbrengen.

Wil jij ook de lokale ondernemers steunen: What’s app +5999 6637989

I Am Made In June 2020 34


The papaya is an incredibly healthy

tropical fruit.

It's loaded with antioxidants that can

reduce inflammation, fight disease

and help keep you looking young.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain,

which can break down the

tough protein chains found in muscle

meat. Because of this, people have

used papaya to tenderize meat for

thousands of years.

It originated in Central America and

Southern Mexico but is now grown in

many other parts of the world

If the papaya is ripe, it can be eaten

raw. However, unripe papaya should

always be cooked before eating

The fruit also has many black seeds, which

are edible but bitter.

Some benefits of the Papaya are:

1. Delicious and Loaded With Nutrients

2. Has Powerful Antioxidant Effects

3. Has Anticancer Properties

4. May Improve Heart Health

5. May Fight Inflammation

6. May Improve Digestion

Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition

I Am Made In June 2020 35

Kura’i Shon Fil

Shon Fil, ta un señor

di klase ku a biba den

bario di Otrobanda.

Su kas riba e potrèt

ariba tei te ku awe.

Esaki ta un kas

manera personanan

ku plaka so por ta tin

den su tempu. Shon

Fil ta tin vários tereno

den besindario.

Asina awe nos tin e

bario ku ta karga su


Kanando den e bario bo

ta topa aksènt nan

manera esun aki di mata

ku ta duna e bario un


Esun aki ta traha ku

matanan ku ta krese fásil

riba nos isla i algun blòki

ta dun’e su aksènto


Tin hopi mas di mira, dal

un paseo den e Bario di

Shon Fil komo un tour

den nos mes pais.

I Am Made In June 2020 36

Kura’i Shon Fil

Komishon di bario kura’i Shon Fil ta

responsabel pa nan kancha multifunshonal

kaminda diferente deporte

ta wòrdu práktika kada ken

riba nan mes.

Na e kancha ta wòrdu práktika

entre otro Basket, i Futbòl.

Pa e muchanan mas chikí tambe tin

wega i spèl.

Mayor i espektador por sinta na

diferente kaminda rondó di e veld

pa paga tinu I disfrutá

I Am Made In June 2020 37

In many countries

you can wander

through the alleys

of their old


And they are now

tourist attraction.

We have many alleys

in our capital,

both in Punda as

in Otrobanda.

Sight of Santa Famia Catholic Church.

Check it out. We

were surprised to

be entering at

one end of a alley

and finding ourselves

at the other

end at a location

which would

have taken us 10

minutes by car.

Take notice of the

many constructions.


which used to be

of the wealthy


wooden homes,

houses made of

‘Zim’ and modern


I Am Made In June 2020 38

Kura’i Shon Fil

Urban living; wandering around in the neighborhood you can find many little

gardens. But this rooftop garden really caught our attention.

Kura’i Shon Fil has a community garden project planned. We will visit again to

see the progress.

It gives you a feeling of home to walk by the colorful houses.

I Am Made In June 2020 39

Just outside of the northern border of Kura di Shon Fil you will

find one of our Curacao treasures:


Curacao Creations has: art, antique, souvenirs, books, craft, paintings,

old photograph, award design, dolls, craft classes, special design, laser works,

and a lot more.

I Am Made In June 2020 40

Sea parti di Korsou su éksito

Kumpra produkto i servisio lokal

Bo tin bo produkto of servisio lokal?

Of bo ta pensa di tin bo produkto of servisio lokal?

Tuma kontakto ku Made in Curacao pa:

- informashon

- Traha bo tour virtual pa bo klientenan

- Bende online

- Propaganda a bo produkto of servisio

I hopi mas!

What’s app: +5999 6637989

E-mail: Curacao@iammadein.com

Ban invertí

den nos mes


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