Rise: Fashion & Activism Magazine



BLACK PANTHERSIn 1966, Bobby Seale andHuey Newton formed TheBlack Panther Party, anorganization, establishedwith the goal to ensure thesafety and welfare of peopleof Afro-American origin.Their outfits reflected theseriousness of their ideas:a black uniform, to makethem appear as a solidblock of unified people;dark shades, to cover theirfaces so their loved oneswould remain safe; and ablack beret, to counter thegreen ones worn by themilitary, but also to channelsome French revolutionaryspirit into the movement.- Andjela DjuraskovicImage courtesy of Bay Area News GroupFASHION & ACTIVISM 11


In 1966, Bobby Seale and

Huey Newton formed The

Black Panther Party, an

organization, established

with the goal to ensure the

safety and welfare of people

of Afro-American origin.

Their outfits reflected the

seriousness of their ideas:

a black uniform, to make

them appear as a solid

block of unified people;

dark shades, to cover their

faces so their loved ones

would remain safe; and a

black beret, to counter the

green ones worn by the

military, but also to channel

some French revolutionary

spirit into the movement.

- Andjela Djuraskovic

Image courtesy of Bay Area News Group


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