Stella McCartney Brand Book

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give incentives to new up and coming designers. At the same

time, technology is really important to us so really talking

about how technology can be the way forward and how sexy

that is. I guess one of the things I’m most excited about is the

idea of creating some kind of fund for lawyers and NGOs, so

actually encouraging policy change because unless we have

that, really, there’s only so much you can do and that comes

hand in hand with the idea of incentives. I can get taxed up

to 30% just for taking a non-leather good into America for

example, and it’s like why should I be punished in a sense for

not killing animals and for not using the chemicals that turn

the leathers? It should be the other way around.



I find this really exciting because … when you look through

different lenses, by working with lawyers or farmers or biologists,

you suddenly see a lot of remedies that weren’t available

to you before. And, of course, this picks up grass roots action.

This is you saying we are not going to put up with these unfair

laws and it’s a very challenging position to adopt.


Yea, I guess we’ve never really done things by the rule book at

Stella McCartney. We’re trying to change things and I think

the entire conversation is about change in the right direction.

I can only do so much, but if I can have policies change and

have politicians actually look at this issue and look at taxation,

look at import, look at export, look at China, for example.

In China you still have to test on animals to bring in a beauty

product. I don’t sell any of my perfumes into China and nobodies

having that conversation. All of the big brands in beauty

that go into China are testing on animals. Now, if they all

said ‘no’, if they all wanted to, we can have such a strong and

powerful voice. I think that it can happen, and it can happen

now. This is amazing that we’re even having this conversation.

You know this is happening now and I really see it. After all

these years I’m so excited and encouraged and I think it is the

time for change!



So, you’re feeling hopeful? Because we’ve got a lot of doom and

gloom around us, especially going into COP24, we’re worried

about keeping to 1.5 [degree Celsius global warming this century].

We have a president in America who willfully doesn’t

know the difference between climate and weather. You know

we are in this situation; we are where we are, but your still

feeling hopeful and like we can push through?


Yea, I mean he [President Trump] is watching this right now,

should we say hi? Come on, you can do it!

I have to be hopeful; we all have to be hopeful. It’s the way I’m

wired, and I couldn’t do what I do if I didn’t have some kind

of hope for the future. And I see that we can do it. I think

what’s kind of frustrating for me is that I’m not a big brand,

I’m not a loud voice, but I’ve got vegan Stan Smith’s on that I

talked Adidas into doing with me and they are a huge brand.

If they see that this [Stan Smith shoe] can be made first and

foremost and it can wear and tear as much as a leather Stan

Smith’s using animal bone and fish bone glue, then maybe

they’ll change. If I can do it, anyone can do it! I have to have

hope because there’s a lot of bigger voices out there with a lot

more money and a lot more clout behind them



Illustration by Maxwell Paternoster for Stella

McCartney’s Winter 2020 Collection.


But you’re very persuasive Stella and we know that. And let’s

just have a final act of persuasion because you need everyone

here and beyond to sign up to the Charter. Don’t you?


I love that it’s me who needs it, it’s only me that needs you to

sign up. It’s basically you all need to sign up because you all

need to sign up. I mean it’s ridiculous that I’m here even needing

to have this conversation quite frankly. But it’s a positive

thing it’s an amazing thing that we’ve started a conversation,

we’ve opened up the concept that people in power in the fashion

industry can make change, they can take responsibility in

their own hands.

Consumers are critical, you know conscious consumption is

at the core of everything. If the people that make the business

decisions know that the next generation of consumers will not

stand for anything less than responsible business, then they’re

going to have to do it anyways. So, I think it’s great if everyone

takes the law into their own hands and it’s doable. We can do

it and we have 16 commitments now; we can have many more,

but this is the start.

Be part of it [the movement] guys, you’re all part of it!


And it feeds directly into the Paris agreement so when your

kids and your grandkids asked you what you did you will be

able to hold your head up and make eye contact and say I was

part of this incredibly important response. I just want you to

finish on a comment to a phrase that you said to me before

which I really liked. You said that this really is the ultimate

luxury now, and this is something that young people respond

to and this is why we should see it as an opportunity.


You know it’s just all intertwined isn’t it? Many years ago,

before this was a kind of fashionable conversation to have,

people would say to me as a designer “what’s your idea of luxury?”

you’re like ‘I don’t know like a Berkin bag? I don’t know

what sort of question is that?’, but for me, my personal idea of

luxury is having a voice, having freedom, having clean air to

breath, having animals by our side that are happy and healthy

and treated well, having pure water to drink, and having the

luxury of having mother nature and planet earth in a healthy

state. That for me is the ultimate, I don’t know what other

luxury there is, other than, you know, a Falabella bag and a

pair of vegan Stan Smiths.


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