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because of the well- preservedatmosphere of the old city with itsnarrow stone-paved streets, the castleon the top of the mountain and old14th century timber-framed buildingsin the center of the settlement. In2019, the regional governmentinitiated extensive restoration worksto improve and partially restore thehistorical appearance of the village.Polessk(formerly Labiau)The most original place in theKaliningrad region where theGerman and Russian historiesinterwove many years ago. You canvisit the Polessk history museumsituated in the Labiau Castle,contemplate the bay from the town’sembankment and walk on the bridgeover the river Deima. There are alsointeresting tourist routes availablein Polessk, including «Timber waterroute», «Polessk sightseeing tour»,«Educative and ecological trail», «Tothe Wood Goblin’s place», etc.Chistye Prudy(formerly Tollmingen)Chistye Prudy is the seat of theThe Memorial Museum of thefamous Lithuanian poetKristijonas Donelaitis. Itis here that he createdthe masterpiece ofLithuanian culturethe poem «Seasons».Established in 1979,today the museumoperates as a branch ofthe Kaliningrad regionalMuseum of Art andHistory holding regularexhibitions, literary soirees andother cultural events.Chistye Prudy,38, Tsentralnaya St.,t.: +7 (906) 233-08-01 163

Business KaliningradThe Kaliningrad region is one ofthe most rapidly developing areasof the Russian Federation. Theregion’s peculiarities include a uniquegeopolitical location, proximity to thesea and the European Union countries,well-developed tourism infrastructure,a Special economic zone, as well asamber extraction and processing.Government of theKaliningrad regionwww.gov39.ruKaliningrad CityAdministrationwww.klgd.ruKaliningrad Chamberof CommerceKaliningrad, 179, Sovetsky Ave.,t.: +7 (4012) 59–06–50www.kaliningrad.tpprf.ruUnion of Industrialistsand Entrepreneurs ofKaliningrad regionKaliningrad, 3, Gostinaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 67-60-63www.sppko.rspp.ruThe Foreign InvestorsAssociation in theKaliningrad regionKaliningrad, 3, Gostinaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 67-50-00www.fias-kalininqrad.comKaliningrad SeaCommercial Port24, Portovaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 69–24–67www.scport.ruKaliningrad StateFishery Port1, 5th Prichalnaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 69–62–31,+7 (4012) 69–64–32www.kmrp.ruKaliningrad RegionDevelopment Corporation63a, Krasnaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 67-39-39www.kgd-rdc.ruInvest into theKaliningrad region!www.investinkaliningrad.ru64

because of the well- preserved

atmosphere of the old city with its

narrow stone-paved streets, the castle

on the top of the mountain and old

14th century timber-framed buildings

in the center of the settlement. In

2019, the regional government

initiated extensive restoration works

to improve and partially restore the

historical appearance of the village.


(formerly Labiau)

The most original place in the

Kaliningrad region where the

German and Russian histories

interwove many years ago. You can

visit the Polessk history museum

situated in the Labiau Castle,

contemplate the bay from the town’s

embankment and walk on the bridge

over the river Deima. There are also

interesting tourist routes available

in Polessk, including «Timber water

route», «Polessk sightseeing tour»,

«Educative and ecological trail», «To

the Wood Goblin’s place», etc.

Chistye Prudy

(formerly Tollmingen)

Chistye Prudy is the seat of the

The Memorial Museum of the

famous Lithuanian poet

Kristijonas Donelaitis. It

is here that he created

the masterpiece of

Lithuanian culture

the poem «Seasons».

Established in 1979,

today the museum

operates as a branch of

the Kaliningrad regional

Museum of Art and

History holding regular

exhibitions, literary soirees and

other cultural events.

Chistye Prudy,

38, Tsentralnaya St.,

t.: +7 (906) 233-08-01 1


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