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sculpture. The private Organ hall ofthe Makarov Company is a nice placefor culture and recreation. Svetlogorskhas a status of a federal resort, andthere are many specialized sanatoriabased here.Tourist InformationCentre of SvetlogorskSvetlogorsk,7а, Marksa St.,t.: +7 (40153) 2-20-98www.svetlogorsk-tourism.ruZelenogradsk(formerly Cranz)Zelenogradsk is one of the mostpopular resorts of the Kaliningradregion. A fi ne beach, a new 7km longpromenade, plenty of trees, and wellpreservedarchitectural monumentswill give you unforgettableimpressions from your visit. Thereis «The well-room of Queen Louise»– a well-equipped spring of drinkingmineral water in the promenadearea. Various SPAs, sanatoria andtherapeutic mudbaths offer a widerange of medical and health services.Tourist InformationCentreZelenogradsk, 11b,Turgeneva St.,t.: +7 (40150) 3–37–77Yantarny(formerly Palmnicken)Yantarny settlement has recentlybecome a rapidly growing resortwith various types of recreation andtourism. Moreover, it managed to winthe glory of the best place for dayoff tourism and outdoor activities– mainly because of the two divingcenters located at an old amberquarry. Various excursion routes have61

been developed for tourists. Guestsof the settlement are encouraged tovisit an exhibition hall of the AmberCombine featuring unique items, aswell as a private museum «AmberCastle» located in an ancient brewery.The town became world-famousthanks to the fact that the areacomprises about 90% of the world’sdeposits of amber and as the locationof the only combine where “the solarstone” is mined in open-cast mines.Tourism Development CenterYantarny, 76, Sovetskaya St.,t.: +7 (40153) 3–81–05Pionersky(formerly Neukuhren)Pionersky was established as a smallfishing village but starting from the19th century, it began to develop as aport and resort – the latter consistingof wide beaches and the magnificentnature in the surrounding areas. Todaya state residence is located here, andthe new promenade area welcomesyou to take a walk along the seaside inany weather. These renovations haveresulted in the growing popularity of theplace with both residents of Kaliningrad,and the guests of the region.Pravdinsk(formerly Friedland)When approaching to Pravdinsk thetraveller may notice a tower risingover the city, which is grandioseaccording to the local scale. It isa tower of the former Lutherancathedral of the 14th century,nowadays the Church St. George.Friedland received city rights in 1335,and became well known during theperiod of the Napoleonic wars. A battlebetween Russian - Prussian and Frencharmies, called the Battle of Friedland,took place here in 1807.Zheleznodorozhny(formerly Gerdauen)The settlement is well known withtourists and the local population62

sculpture. The private Organ hall of

the Makarov Company is a nice place

for culture and recreation. Svetlogorsk

has a status of a federal resort, and

there are many specialized sanatoria

based here.

Tourist Information

Centre of Svetlogorsk


7а, Marksa St.,

t.: +7 (40153) 2-20-98


(formerly Cranz)

Zelenogradsk is one of the most

popular resorts of the Kaliningrad

region. A fi ne beach, a new 7km long

promenade, plenty of trees, and wellpreserved

architectural monuments

will give you unforgettable

impressions from your visit. There

is «The well-room of Queen Louise»

– a well-equipped spring of drinking

mineral water in the promenade

area. Various SPAs, sanatoria and

therapeutic mudbaths offer a wide

range of medical and health services.

Tourist Information


Zelenogradsk, 11b,

Turgeneva St.,

t.: +7 (40150) 3–37–77


(formerly Palmnicken)

Yantarny settlement has recently

become a rapidly growing resort

with various types of recreation and

tourism. Moreover, it managed to win

the glory of the best place for day

off tourism and outdoor activities

– mainly because of the two diving

centers located at an old amber

quarry. Various excursion routes have


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