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from bitrixvizitkaliningrad More from this publisher

Billiard Club«Classic»30, Leninsky Ave., Shopping Centre«Kaliningrad Plaza», ground floor,t.: +7 (4012) 39-55-55«Manhattan»13b, Gaydara St.,t..: +7 (4012) 98–67–«Planeta»26, Tchernyakhovskogo St.,t.: +7 (4012) 53–38–«Platinum»19, D. Donskogo St.,t.: +7 (4012) 38–48–«Residency of kings»10, Alexandra Nevskogo St.,t.: +7 (4012)«City Bowling»30, Professora Baranova St.,t.: +7 (4012) 30–00–27«Ulitsy»13, Mira Ave,t.: +7 (4012) 53-39-20«Yalta»66, Yaltinskaya St.,t.: +7 (4012) 37–92–66www.yaltaclubkgd.com57

SurroundingsSovetsk (formerly Tilsit)is a city rich with history. That isactually the place where the peacetreaty between Alexander I andNapoleon was signed in 1807. Tilsitwas first mentioned in the 13thcentury. One of the town’s placesof interest is Queen Louise Bridgewhich at the same time performsthe function of car border crossingpoint between Russia and Lithuaniaover the Neman river. CentralPobedy Street, which leads to thebridge, reminds you of a narrowEuropean town street. City park isa wonderful place for relaxation. Itis exactly here that one of the mainsymbols of the city – a sculptureof Queen Louise installed in 1900– was situated before WWII. Thesculpture was reconstructed in2014 thanks to the efforts of localauthorities and residents. Lookingat old houses covered with red tilesand decorated with facade moldingyou feel like it is many centuriesago. We recommend you to visit thebuilding of the former city Royalgymnasium, the Lithuanian church, amill pond with an arboretum, as wellas a city museum displaying a lot ofinteresting exhibits.TouristInformation CenterSovetsk, 4, Lenina St.,t.: +7 (40161) 3-23-4858

Billiard Club


30, Leninsky Ave., Shopping Centre

«Kaliningrad Plaza», ground floor,

t.: +7 (4012) 39-55-55


13b, Gaydara St.,

t..: +7 (4012) 98–67–03


26, Tchernyakhovskogo St.,

t.: +7 (4012) 53–38–07


19, D. Donskogo St.,

t.: +7 (4012) 38–48–48

«Residency of kings»

10, Alexandra Nevskogo St.,

t.: +7 (4012) 30-03-60

«City Bowling»

30, Professora Baranova St.,

t.: +7 (4012) 30–00–27


13, Mira Ave,

t.: +7 (4012) 53-39-20


66, Yaltinskaya St.,

t.: +7 (4012) 37–92–66


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