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Must do’s

When in Kaliningrad

don’t forget to:

..... visit Cathedral. This is the

building where hollowness and

magic, ancient history of the region,

organ music, ghosts of one of three

cities of ancient Koenigsberg, and a

sarcophagus of the great philosopher

Immanuel Kant all come together.

Directly opposite to a memorial portico

there stands a statue of Duke Albrecht

of Bradenburg, the last Grand Master

of the Teutonic Order. It was him, who

founded the university where Immanuel

Kant studied and later worked

..... take a stroll among the

old townhouse areas on

the streets of Chapaev, Pugachyov,

Telman and Kutuzov. Sleepy streets

abundant in greenery, grecaeful

houses built in various architectural

styles, old cobble stone paving

paving – all this will let you feel

the magnifi cent atmosphere of

Kaliningrad, where history closely

intertwines with modernity.

...to drop into one of the

castles: Waldau, Shaaken,

Georgenburg or any other. They are in

different states of physical condition,

but sometimes a ruin on its own

speaks more about its time than a

restored castle.

... take a ride to the sea coast in

the evening. The running of the

day, travelling of the sun, shimmering

sea waves and clear skies, and this

unique state of mind – all these things

are the essential part of old local

tradition for saying farewell to the sun.

....choose an amber souvenir for

yourself. A piece of jewellery or

just a small piece of amber (that you

found on the sea shore aſter a storm) –

this would be the best lucky charm you

can have or a thing to muse over for

the millions of years which had frozen

in this tiny piece of amber.

... take with you two or three

miniature figures made of

local marzipan. You can put them on

display on a shelf and appreciate their

sculptural work; or you can have them

with your cup of tea and bring back

your memories of this place.


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