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guided tours, events and festivals areheld on the territory of the castle.During the summer season, thecastle houses an improvised knights’camp and a tavern.Nekrasovo, Tsentralnaya St.,t.: +7 (906) to Kaliningrad itself, one can fi ndhere a multitude of administrativeand residential buildings of variousarchitectural styles, churches andcathedrals, parks and gardens, tiledroofs and preserved cobble stonepaving, which together create aunique look of a modern city withrich history.CathedralMultifunctional cultural centerconsisting of an academic concerthall with the largest in Russia organand the museum of the philosopherImmanuel Kant. In the pre-wartimes this monument of history andculture was fi rst the main Catholicand later Lutheran Cathedral. Todayit houses an Orthodox chapel. Oneof the tourist symbols of Kaliningradand locals’ favorite site for culturalactivities.1, Kanta St., t.: +7 (4012) 63-17-05www.sobor-kaliningrad.ruTomb of Immanuel KantAſter the great philosopher’s deathhis remains were buried in the chapeladjoining the northeast corner of thecathedral. In 1924, a new memorialto Immanuel Kant was built on thedesigns of the architect FriedrichLahrs, which has been preserved tillnow. In 2024, Kaliningrad will becelebrating the 300th Anniversary ofthe famous philosopher.Landmark - CathedralThere is a multitude of religious sitesin the Kaliningrad region, which areinteresting in terms of both religionand culture. For example, red brickchurches, situated in various parts ofthe city, are an important feature ofthe Kaliningrad’s modern appearance.Starting from the 1990s most ofthem house parishes of the RussianOrthodox Church.Cathedral of the Christthe SaviorThe foundation stone of thecathedral was laid down on the site33

of future construction on 10 April1995. The 10th Anniversary ofOrthodoxy in the Kaliningrad regionwas celebrated on that day. TheUpper Church of the Nativity of Christwas consecrated on 10 September2006 by the Patriarch of Moscow andAll Russia Alexy II. The lower churchin the name of the Miraculous Saviorwas consecrated on 27 September2007 by Metropolitan of Smolenskand Kaliningrad Kirill.2а, Victory Sq.t.: +7 (4012) 72-64-70,(secretary of the Cathedralof the Christ the Savior)www.soborkld.ruChurch of AlexanderNevsky8, Alexandra Nevskogo St.t.: +7 (4012) 66-42-33Church of the Protectionof the Holy Virgin(formerly Rosenau Church)24, Klavy Nazarovoy St.Holy Cross Cathedral(formerly Church of the Cross)2, Generala Pavlova St.St. Nicholas Church(formerly Juditten Church)38, Tenistaya Alleya St.Kaliningrad regionalPhilharmonic Hall(formerly Church of the Holy Family)The Philharmonic Concert Hall isrightfully considered the icon of theregion, one of its main historical andcultural attractions. The program ofthe Kaliningrad Philharmonic Hallcovers not only organ music, but alsoall the musical genres.63а, Bogdana Khmelnitskogo St.,t.: +7 (4012) 64–78–90www.kenigfil.ruSynagogueA new Synagogue opened inKaliningrad on the Okstyabrskyisland in November, 2018. It iserected on the site of and repeatsthe appearance of a pre-WWIIbuilding. The Königsberg Synagoguehad operated since 1894 and wasdestroyed by Nazi in 1938. Koshercanteen has been operating at theSynagogue’s premises sinceMay, 2019.1, Oktyabrskaya St.www.kldsynagogue.comYuzhny railway stationThe building was designed by thearchitect Cornelius. Before the SecondWorld War the building’s facade wasdecorated with a sculpture of anancient god of time, Kronos, who34

guided tours, events and festivals are

held on the territory of the castle.

During the summer season, the

castle houses an improvised knights’

camp and a tavern.

Nekrasovo, Tsentralnaya St.,

t.: +7 (906) 211-73-00


As to Kaliningrad itself, one can fi nd

here a multitude of administrative

and residential buildings of various

architectural styles, churches and

cathedrals, parks and gardens, tiled

roofs and preserved cobble stone

paving, which together create a

unique look of a modern city with

rich history.


Multifunctional cultural center

consisting of an academic concert

hall with the largest in Russia organ

and the museum of the philosopher

Immanuel Kant. In the pre-war

times this monument of history and

culture was fi rst the main Catholic

and later Lutheran Cathedral. Today

it houses an Orthodox chapel. One

of the tourist symbols of Kaliningrad

and locals’ favorite site for cultural


1, Kanta St., t.: +7 (4012) 63-17-05

Tomb of Immanuel Kant

Aſter the great philosopher’s death

his remains were buried in the chapel

adjoining the northeast corner of the

cathedral. In 1924, a new memorial

to Immanuel Kant was built on the

designs of the architect Friedrich

Lahrs, which has been preserved till

now. In 2024, Kaliningrad will be

celebrating the 300th Anniversary of

the famous philosopher.

Landmark - Cathedral

There is a multitude of religious sites

in the Kaliningrad region, which are

interesting in terms of both religion

and culture. For example, red brick

churches, situated in various parts of

the city, are an important feature of

the Kaliningrad’s modern appearance.

Starting from the 1990s most of

them house parishes of the Russian

Orthodox Church.

Cathedral of the Christ

the Savior

The foundation stone of the

cathedral was laid down on the site


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