Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"The Holy Spirit always leads and guides us. If we trust this, we will find ourselves doing things we never thought we could do. Always seek the path to joy and love. They keep us from falling victim to our fears and from seeking the nostalgic crutches we think we need to achieve a sense of well-being and happiness." ~ An excerpt from this week's LPI Gospel reflection

"The Holy Spirit always leads and guides us. If we trust this, we will find ourselves doing things we never thought we could do. Always seek the path to joy and love. They keep us from falling victim to our fears and from seeking the nostalgic crutches we think we need to achieve a sense of well-being and happiness."
~ An excerpt from this week's LPI Gospel reflection


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<strong>Twelfth</strong> <strong>Sunday</strong> <strong>in</strong> Ord<strong>in</strong>ary <strong>Time</strong><br />

June 21, 2020<br />

407 south ma<strong>in</strong> street<br />

north syracuse, new york 13212<br />

“Are not two sparrows sold<br />

for a small co<strong>in</strong>? Yet not one of<br />

them falls to the ground without<br />

your Father’s knowledge.”<br />

~ Matthew 10:29

June 21, 2020 | Page 2<br />

parish OFFICE | 407 South Ma<strong>in</strong> Street<br />

**closed to the public until further notice**<br />

315-458-0283 | strose@syrdio.org<br />

PASTOR | Rev. Christopher J. Celentano<br />

PAROCHIAL VICAR | Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Osei Nyarko<br />


315-256-5052 | wwilson@syrdio.org<br />

parish secretary | joanne MACKOWSKY<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator of Youth M<strong>in</strong>istry & CommuncationS | Andrew Pugliese<br />

EXT. 4 | Apugliese@syrdio.org<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator of Catechesis | Christ<strong>in</strong>a Palazzoli<br />

EXT. 5 | cpalazzoli@syrdio.org<br />

MUSIC DIRECTOR | Bill Verity<br />

wverity@syrdio.org<br />


EXT. 8<br />


* - Indicates Live Streamed Masses<br />

MonDAY thru Saturday – 9 AM*<br />

Saturday Vigl — 4 PM*<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong> — 8:30 AM<br />

10:30 AM*<br />

Monday, June 22nd<br />

9 AM<br />

Tuesday, June 23rd<br />

9 Am<br />

Wednesday, June 24th<br />

9 Am<br />

Thursday, June 25th<br />

9 AM<br />

Friday, June 26th | 9 AM<br />

Saturday, June 27th<br />

9 AM<br />

4 PM<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong>, June 28th<br />

8:30 AM<br />

10:30 AM<br />

Mass <strong>in</strong>tentions<br />

all masses offered <strong>in</strong> private<br />

· Gerry Brown | R — St. Rose Men’s Group<br />

· Pat Thomas | R - Pete & Mary Kay<br />

· Mass For The People<br />

· Anne Fitzgerald | R — Charlene McGough<br />

· John Joyce| R — Kathy Joyce<br />

· Michael Trait, Birthday | R — Family<br />

· Norman Hujar | R — Family<br />

· Frankie Miller| R — Family<br />

· Joseph Carella | R — George & Mary Anne Klamm<br />

· Mary Frances Beckett| R — The Becketts’<br />

· James & Leabra DiMento| R — Family<br />

please note: Schedul<strong>in</strong>g of all masses, baptisms, wedd<strong>in</strong>gs, etc.<br />

cannot be done until further notice.<br />

SACRAMENT OF reconciliation:<br />

Wednesdays — 6-7 PM*<br />

PLEASE NOTE: No more than 100 people <strong>in</strong> the church at once<br />

· all must wear a mask, no exceptions<br />

· All Must practice proper social distanc<strong>in</strong>g at all times<br />

St. ROse of Lima School | 411 South Ma<strong>in</strong> Street<br />

PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Mary Crysler<br />

315-458-6036 | mcrysler@syrdiocese.org<br />

June 14 Collections: $8,256.00<br />

f l y<br />


Bishop Douglas J. Lucia has written a special novena prayer for<br />

an end to the coronavirus pandemic. The text of the n<strong>in</strong>e-day<br />

prayer is below.<br />

June 21, 2020 | Page 3<br />

Janet Adams<br />

Patricia Becker<br />

Pat Brown<br />

Holly Brown<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Jim Byrnes<br />

Michael (Mickey) Caiello<br />

Peter Capponi IV<br />

Marie Case<br />

Cheryl Coleman<br />

Gerald Coleman<br />

Kathy Crouse<br />

Jill Cullen<br />

Gary Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham, Jr.<br />

Kim Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham<br />

Margaret<br />

Czarniewicz<br />

Skylar Decker<br />

Stacey Decker<br />

Bekka Dembowski<br />

Julie Dembowski<br />

Tom Emery<br />

John Fazio, Jr.<br />

L<strong>in</strong>da Franks<br />

Anne Fritcher<br />

prayer list<br />

Barbara Giordano<br />

Heather Gleason<br />

Joseph Gugliotta, Jr.<br />

Tim Haven<br />

David Hurst<br />

Kate Jackson<br />

Robert Jackson<br />

Connie Juliano<br />

Carole Kirwan<br />

Dot Kloiber<br />

Trudy LeRoux<br />

Carole MacMillan<br />

David Mahoney<br />

Sharon Marra<br />

Kaylee Marshfield<br />

Shannon Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Mary Beth Matyasik<br />

Alice Merriman<br />

Robert O’Konski<br />

Rose Ostrowski<br />

Norma Pantiera<br />

Dr. Sam Paris<br />

Susan Paris<br />

Tyler Piagent<strong>in</strong>i<br />

Walter Rhea<br />

Everly Rice<br />

Kyle Rice<br />

David Ross<br />

Shannon Ryan<br />

Sunny Irv<strong>in</strong>g Schlie<br />

Art Schlitter<br />

Dolores Schiano<br />

Bradley Six<br />

Carolyn Smith<br />

Sue Sollitt<br />

Anne Marie Trait<br />

Barbara Vacchiano<br />

Beverly Voltz<br />

Parker Wall<br />

Christ<strong>in</strong>e Wallace<br />

Suzanne Warner<br />

Henry Weyer<br />

Brian White<br />

Patrick Williamson<br />

Florence Wojcik<br />

Al Yanchik<br />

and all our parishioners <strong>in</strong> nurs<strong>in</strong>g homes<br />

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to place someone on the Prayer List or if someone<br />

should be taken off the Prayer List, please call the Parish Office at 458-0283<br />

Prayer for Vocation<br />

Lov<strong>in</strong>g God, you sent your Spirit on the apostles to cont<strong>in</strong>ue the<br />

mission of your Son, Jesus. We pray that you will now send your<br />

spirit on our bishops, priests, deacons, sisters and brothers,<br />

fill<strong>in</strong>g them with zeal to evangelize your people. We pray for all<br />

that are presently discern<strong>in</strong>g your call, those <strong>in</strong> vocational formation<br />

and those prepar<strong>in</strong>g them. We pray that you bless our diocese<br />

with more priests and deacons, and religious congregations<br />

with new members. Mary our Mother and patroness <strong>in</strong>tercede<br />

for us that our pastoral Needs may be fulfilled through Him who<br />

is Lord for ever and ever.<br />

Amen.<br />


· Maximum 100 People <strong>in</strong> the church at once<br />

· all must wear a mask, no exceptions<br />

· All Must practice proper<br />

social distanc<strong>in</strong>g at all times

June 21, 2020 | Page 4<br />

The Introductory Rite<br />

Gloria<br />

Glory to God <strong>in</strong> the highest, and<br />

on earth peace to people of good<br />

will.<br />

We praise you,<br />

we bless you,<br />

we adore you,<br />

we glorify you,<br />

we give you praise for your<br />

great glory,<br />

Lord God, heavenly K<strong>in</strong>g, O<br />

God, almighty Father.<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten<br />

Son,<br />

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of<br />

the Father,<br />

you take away the s<strong>in</strong>s of the<br />

world, have mercy on us;<br />

you take away the s<strong>in</strong>s of the<br />

world, receive our prayer;<br />

you are seated at right hand of<br />

the Father, have mercy on us.<br />

For you alone are the Holy One,<br />

you alone are the Lord,<br />

you alone are the Most High,<br />

Jesus Christ,<br />

with the Holy Spirit, <strong>in</strong> the glory<br />

of God the Father.<br />

Amen.<br />


Let us pray (pause)<br />

Grant, O Lord, that we may always<br />

revere and love your holy<br />

name, for you never deprive of<br />

your guidance those you set<br />

firm on the foundation of your<br />

love.<br />

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

your Son, who lives and reigns<br />

with you <strong>in</strong> the unity of the Holy<br />

Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.<br />

R. Amen.<br />


A read<strong>in</strong>g from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (20:10-13)<br />

(He has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked)<br />

J eremiah said: “I hear the whisper<strong>in</strong>gs of many: ‘Terror on every side! Denounce!<br />

Let us denounce him!’ All those who were my friends are on the<br />

watch for any misstep of m<strong>in</strong>e. ‘Perhaps he will be trapped; then we can<br />

prevail, and take our vengeance on him.’ But the Lord is with me, like a<br />

mighty champion: my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph.<br />

In their failure they will be put to utter shame, to last<strong>in</strong>g, unforgettable<br />

confusion. O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe m<strong>in</strong>d and<br />

heart, let me witness the vengeance you take on them, for to you I have<br />

entrusted my cause. S<strong>in</strong>g to the Lord, / praise the Lord, for he has rescued<br />

the life of the poor from the power of the wicked!”<br />

—The Word of the Lord.<br />

R. Thanks be to God.<br />

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35)<br />

R. Lord, <strong>in</strong> your great love, answer me. (69:14c)<br />

For your sake I bear <strong>in</strong>sult,<br />

and shame covers my face.<br />

I have become an outcast to my brothers,<br />

a stranger to my children,<br />

because zeal for your house consumes me, and the <strong>in</strong>sults of those who<br />

blaspheme you fall upon me. (R)<br />

I pray to you, O Lord,<br />

for the time of your favor, O God!<br />

In your great k<strong>in</strong>dness answer me<br />

with your constant help.<br />

Answer me, O Lord, for bounteous<br />

is your k<strong>in</strong>dness;<br />

<strong>in</strong> your great mercy turn toward me. (R)<br />

“See, you lowly ones, and be glad;<br />

you who seek God, may your hearts revive!<br />

For the Lord hears the poor,<br />

and his own who are <strong>in</strong> bonds he spurns not.<br />

Let the heavens and the earth praise him,<br />

the seas and whatever moves <strong>in</strong> them!” (R)<br />

The Liturgy of the Word<br />


A read<strong>in</strong>g from the Letter of Sa<strong>in</strong>t Paul to the Romans (5:12-15)<br />

(The gift is not like the transgression)<br />

Brothers and sisters: Through one man s<strong>in</strong> entered the world, and<br />

through s<strong>in</strong>, death, and thus death came to all men, <strong>in</strong>asmuch<br />

as all s<strong>in</strong>ned—for up to the time of the law, s<strong>in</strong> was <strong>in</strong> the world,<br />

though s<strong>in</strong> is not accounted when there is no law. But death<br />

reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not s<strong>in</strong><br />

after the pattern of the trespass of Adam, who is the type of the<br />

one who was to come.<br />

But the gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of<br />

the one the many died, how much more did the grace of God and<br />

the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ overflow for the many.<br />

—The Word of the Lord.<br />

R. Thanks be to God.<br />

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (John 15:26b, 27a)<br />

R. Alleluia, alleluia.<br />

The Spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord;<br />

and you also will testify. (R)<br />

GOSPEL<br />

A read<strong>in</strong>g from the holy Gospel accord<strong>in</strong>g to Matthew (10:26-33)<br />

(Do not be afraid of those who kill the body)<br />

Jesus said to the Twelve: “Fear no one. Noth<strong>in</strong>g is concealed that will<br />

not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. What I say to you<br />

<strong>in</strong> the darkness, speak <strong>in</strong> the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim<br />

on the housetops. And do not be afraid of those who kill the body<br />

but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy<br />

both soul and body <strong>in</strong> Gehenna. Are not two sparrows sold for a small<br />

co<strong>in</strong>? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s<br />

knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be<br />

afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Everyone who acknowledges<br />

me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly<br />

Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my<br />

heavenly Father.”<br />

—The Gospel of the Lord.<br />

R. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

The Nicene Creed<br />

I believe <strong>in</strong> one God, the Father almighty,<br />

maker of heaven and earth, of all th<strong>in</strong>gs visible and <strong>in</strong>visible.<br />

I believe <strong>in</strong> one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born<br />

of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God<br />

from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;<br />

through him all th<strong>in</strong>gs were made. For us men and for our salvation<br />

he came down from heaven, (bow your head) and by the Holy Spirit<br />

was <strong>in</strong>carnate of the Virg<strong>in</strong> Mary, and became man. (lift your head)<br />

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death<br />

and was buried, and rose aga<strong>in</strong>on the third day <strong>in</strong> accordance with the<br />

Scriptures. He ascended <strong>in</strong>to heaven and is seated at the right hand<br />

of the Father. He will come aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> glory to judge the liv<strong>in</strong>g and the<br />

dead and his k<strong>in</strong>gdom will have no end.<br />

I believe <strong>in</strong> the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from<br />

the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored<br />

and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.<br />

I believe <strong>in</strong> one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism<br />

for the forgiveness of s<strong>in</strong>s and I look forward to the resurrection of<br />

the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen<br />

The Liturgy of the Eucharist<br />

PRAYER Over The Offer<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Let us pray (pause)<br />

Receive, O Lord, the sacrifice of<br />

conciliation and praise and grant<br />

that, cleansed by its action, we<br />

may make offer<strong>in</strong>g of a heart<br />

pleas<strong>in</strong>g to you.Through Christ<br />

our Lord.<br />

R. Amen.<br />


(Psalm 145 (144):15)<br />

The eyes of all look to you, Lord,<br />

and you give them their food <strong>in</strong><br />

due season.<br />

An act of spiritual communion<br />

*this is to be prayed at the time when we<br />

would normally receive communion*<br />

My Jesus,<br />

I believe that you are <strong>in</strong><br />

the blessed sacrament.<br />

I love you above all th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

June 21, 2020 | Page 5<br />

and I long for you <strong>in</strong> my soul.<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ce I cannot now receive you<br />

sacramentally,<br />

come at least spiritually<br />

<strong>in</strong>to my heart.<br />

as though you have already<br />

come,<br />

I embrace you<br />

and unite myself entirely<br />

to you; never permit me<br />

to be separated from you.<br />

Amen.<br />


Let us pray (pause)<br />

Renewed and nourished by<br />

the Sacred Body and Precious<br />

Blood of your Son, we ask of<br />

your mercy, O Lord, that what<br />

we celebrate with constant devotion<br />

may be our sure pledge<br />

of redemption.<br />

Through Christ our Lord.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

Hail Mary<br />

Hail, Mary, full of grace,the Lord is with thee.Blessed art<br />

thou among womenand blessed is the fruit of thywomb,<br />

Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us s<strong>in</strong>ners,now<br />

and at the hour of our death.<br />

Amen.<br />

Prayer to St. Michael<br />

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us <strong>in</strong> battle, be our protection aga<strong>in</strong>st<br />

the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly<br />

pray; and do thou, O Pr<strong>in</strong>ce of the heavenly host, by the power of<br />

God, thrust <strong>in</strong>to Hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the<br />

world for the ru<strong>in</strong> of souls. Amen.

June 21, 2020 | Page 6<br />


<strong>Sunday</strong>, June 21st<br />

Read<strong>in</strong>gs for the Week of June 21, 2020<br />

Jer 20:10-13| Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 [14c] |<br />

Rom 5:12-15 | Mt 10:26-33<br />

scholarship calendar w<strong>in</strong>ners<br />

June 8th #001 - Sr. eugene schneider - $25.00<br />

June 9th #987- St. Rose - $25.00<br />

Monday, June 22nd<br />

2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a | Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13 [7b] | Mt 7:1-5<br />

June10th<br />

#238- St. Rose - $25.00<br />

Tuesday, June 23rd<br />

2 KGS 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36| Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11<br />

[cf. 9d]| Mt 7:6, 12-14<br />

June 11th<br />

June 12th<br />

#233 - St. Rose - $25.00<br />

#052- St. Rose- $25.00<br />

Wednesday, June 24th<br />

Is 49:1-6| Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a] |<br />

Acts 13:22-26 | Lk 1:57-66, 80<br />

June 13th<br />

#656 - St. Rose - $25.00<br />

Thursday, June 25th<br />

2 Kgs 24:8-17| Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]| Mt 7:21-29<br />

June 14th<br />

#276 - Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder- $30.00<br />

Friday, June 26th<br />

Saturday, June 27th<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong>, June 28th<br />

2 Kgs 25:1-12 | Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab] | Mt 8:1-4<br />

Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 | Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21 [19b] | Mt 8:5-17<br />

Jer 20:10-13| Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 [14c] |<br />

Rom 5:12-15 | Mt 10:26-33<br />

Observances for the Week of June 21, 2020<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong>, June 21st<br />

Father’s Day<br />



1. MAIL envelopes to 407 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> Street<br />

2. Drop off <strong>in</strong> the mailbox at the rectory<br />

3. Give ELECTRONICALLY through your bank<br />

4. give via paypal by click<strong>in</strong>g Here<br />

Monday, June 22nd<br />

St. Paul<strong>in</strong>us of nola,<br />

Sts. John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More<br />

Tuesday, June 23rd<br />

Wednesday, June 24th<br />

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist<br />

Thursday, June 25th<br />

Friday, June 26th<br />

Saturday, June 27th<br />

St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church<br />

<strong>Sunday</strong>, June 28th<br />


St. Rose of Lima’s<br />

‘Breeze’ Onl<strong>in</strong>e Parish Database<br />

June 21, 2020 | Page 7<br />

We have begun us<strong>in</strong>g “Breeze,” an <strong>in</strong>teractive parish database, which <strong>in</strong> time will allow parishioners limited access to update<br />

their own profiles, as well as the profiles of the people <strong>in</strong> their household.<br />

This starts with your participation. Click one of the buttons below.<br />

Once you have completed one of the forms below, you will receive an email ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g limited access to the database to<br />

allow you to add/update the rest of your family and edit any of your profiles at any time, along with <strong>in</strong>structions on how to<br />

do so.<br />

If you have any questions about this process, please email our parish youth m<strong>in</strong>ister and communications analyst Andrew<br />

at apugliese@syrdio.org or call him at (315) 458-0283 ext. 4.<br />

I Want To Jo<strong>in</strong><br />




From Franciscan Media<br />

Sa<strong>in</strong>t of the Week<br />

St. THomas More<br />

(February 7,1478 – July 6, 1535)<br />

His belief that no lay ruler has jurisdiction over the<br />

Church of Christ cost Thomas More his life.<br />

Beheaded on Tower Hill, London, on July 6, 1535, More<br />

steadfastly refused to approve K<strong>in</strong>g Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage and establishment of the<br />

Church of England.<br />

Described as “a man for all seasons,” More was a literary scholar, em<strong>in</strong>ent lawyer, gentleman, father<br />

of four children, and chancellor of England. An <strong>in</strong>tensely spiritual man, he would not support the k<strong>in</strong>g’s<br />

divorce from Cather<strong>in</strong>e of Aragon <strong>in</strong> order to marry Anne Boleyn. Nor would he acknowledge Henry as<br />

supreme head of the Church <strong>in</strong> England, break<strong>in</strong>g with Rome, and deny<strong>in</strong>g the pope as head.<br />

More was committed to the Tower of London to await trial for treason: not swear<strong>in</strong>g to the Act of<br />

Succession and the Oath of Supremacy. Upon conviction, More declared he had all the councils of<br />

Christendom and not just the council of one realm to support him <strong>in</strong> the decision of his conscience.

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