[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Health psychologyThe role of psychological factors in the development, prevention, and treatmentof illness and includes such areas as stress and coping, the relationship betweenpsychological factors and physical health, and ways of promoting healthenhancingbehaviors.

HomeostasisState of physiological equilibrium.Hyaluronic acid (HA; aka hyaluronan)Extremely hydrophilic, highly viscous lubricant (reduces friction/drag), foundthroughout skin, fascia, and neural tissue – a vital component of the slidingmechanism. It is suggested that alterations in HA amount and organization mayplay a role in tissue changes (e.g. tissue softening and improved slide/glide)following manual manipulation.

Health psychology

The role of psychological factors in the development, prevention, and treatment

of illness and includes such areas as stress and coping, the relationship between

psychological factors and physical health, and ways of promoting healthenhancing


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