[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Granulation tissueSoft pink fleshy projections that form during the wound healing process,consisting of many capillaries (hypervascularity) surrounded by fibrouscollagen.Ground substance (GS)Amorphous gel-like medium of the ECM. GS is an important metabolic interfacethat fills the space between fibers and cells. The hydrophilic nature of GSconstituents factors significantly into tissue viscoelasticity and slide potential.

Gross stretch techniqueCombination of tension and compression loading utilized to engage broaderareas of tissue. Gross stretch can be used when more intense, isolating or deepertechniques are uncomfortable for the client to receive. Gross stretch can also beused to pre-warm and soften tissue prior to applying more intense type oftechniques. This technique can be used to address either superficial or deepertissue layers.Growth factors (GFs)Diffusible signaling proteins that stimulate cell growth, differentiation, survival,inflammation, and tissue repair. Examples include epidermal growth factor(EGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial cellgrowth factor (VEGF).Half-moon or circle techniqueLymphatic technique involving the circular stretching the skin and SF tofacilitate lymph flow.

Gross stretch technique

Combination of tension and compression loading utilized to engage broader

areas of tissue. Gross stretch can be used when more intense, isolating or deeper

techniques are uncomfortable for the client to receive. Gross stretch can also be

used to pre-warm and soften tissue prior to applying more intense type of

techniques. This technique can be used to address either superficial or deeper

tissue layers.

Growth factors (GFs)

Diffusible signaling proteins that stimulate cell growth, differentiation, survival,

inflammation, and tissue repair. Examples include epidermal growth factor

(EGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial cell

growth factor (VEGF).

Half-moon or circle technique

Lymphatic technique involving the circular stretching the skin and SF to

facilitate lymph flow.

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