[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


inadequacy 40manual work 207–15radiation effects 39, 133structure and function 28–39primary lower structures 35primary upper structures 33–5lymphatic vessels 29formation from pre-existing vessels (lymphangiogenesis) 39infection (lymphangitis) 38lymphedema 35, 37, 41lymphatic techniques 207, 208primary 41secondary 41, 208breast cancer 119–22lymphocytes 30, 32, 37lymphoid organs 32

Mmacrophages 13, 63, 80, 81, 89lymph node 29malignancy see cancerMALT (mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue) 32manual therapy/manipulation 14, 186early 177, 195–6fascia in 14, 215–16, 224historical perspectives 1influences on various tissues/fluids/components 207interoception and 62lymphatic system 207–15mechanosensory mechanisms 56muscular-focused 190mast cells 13, 81, 91, 94mastectomy 116–18, 170, 193mechanical forces see forcesmechanical lymphatic inadequacy 40mechanoreceptors 10, 56–60, 191stress and wound healing and 140mechanotransduction 7, 95–6medications see drugs and medicationsmemory, somatic/tissue 149–51see also sensory amnesiameninges 16, 47mental healthdisorders (mental illness) 193, 194referral to professional in 172–3see also Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders;psychological considerations Merkel cells 58, 59micronutrients 246mobilization during healing process 201see also immobilization; movement

inadequacy 40

manual work 207–15

radiation effects 39, 133

structure and function 28–39

primary lower structures 35

primary upper structures 33–5

lymphatic vessels 29

formation from pre-existing vessels (lymphangiogenesis) 39

infection (lymphangitis) 38

lymphedema 35, 37, 41

lymphatic techniques 207, 208

primary 41

secondary 41, 208

breast cancer 119–22

lymphocytes 30, 32, 37

lymphoid organs 32

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