[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


communication (therapist-client) 155, 167–71, 190–1, 242client-relayed fascial and myofascial indicators 190compassion fatigue 249–50, 250compressionin J-stroke 223nerve (and compression syndrome) 71, 72sensation of 190see also approximationcompression; pressure grading compressionfascia 19compressional tensegrity 13connection, fascia as tissue of 20connective tissue 9assessment 186axillary web syndrome and 122lymphatic system and 29therapeutic techniques 215–16consent, informed 163–4contracture(s) 1, 87capsular, breast implant-related 118–19contraindications 192cording (axillary web syndrome) 115, 122–3cortisol 140, 141, 142critical care and acute stress disorder 146critical listening 181cross-linkingcollagen see collagennon-collagenous proteins with 5, 6crush injury, double 72–3cryotherapy 244cultural beliefs and values 241cutometer 184cytokines and stress 139, 140, 141

Ddanger (perceived) 135, 150fight-or-flight-or-freeze response 52, 135, 136, 137, 147see also safetydeep breathing exercises 245deep fascia 16, 18–19deep layer of lymphatic structures 33deep work 192–3degloving injury 125–6pre-/post-treatment comparisons 233, 235degrees (depth) of trauma/traumatic scar 96–7, 103burns 97, 108–9dehydration 6, 15depersonalization 148depression 148, 196wound healing and 139depthof touch 204, 206of trauma see degreederealization 148dermatomes 53dermis 8, 10–11Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) 133acute stress disorder 145diet and nutrition 245–6disability 155disclosure 165disfigurement 107, 155dissociation 134, 148–9distress (psychological) 139, 145, 149, 150documentation see record-keeping and documentationdosage (treatment) 194–5, 204in early stages of wound healing 196

communication (therapist-client) 155, 167–71, 190–1, 242

client-relayed fascial and myofascial indicators 190

compassion fatigue 249–50, 250


in J-stroke 223

nerve (and compression syndrome) 71, 72

sensation of 190

see also approximationcompression; pressure grading compression

fascia 19

compressional tensegrity 13

connection, fascia as tissue of 20

connective tissue 9

assessment 186

axillary web syndrome and 122

lymphatic system and 29

therapeutic techniques 215–16

consent, informed 163–4

contracture(s) 1, 87

capsular, breast implant-related 118–19

contraindications 192

cording (axillary web syndrome) 115, 122–3

cortisol 140, 141, 142

critical care and acute stress disorder 146

critical listening 181


collagen see collagen

non-collagenous proteins with 5, 6

crush injury, double 72–3

cryotherapy 244

cultural beliefs and values 241

cutometer 184

cytokines and stress 139, 140, 141

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