[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


FibronectinGlycoprotein found in plasma and tissue. Multifunctional fibronectins interactwith many extracellular substances, including collagen, and with integrinreceptors on cell surfaces, enabling fibronectin to play an important role in thetransmission of communication signals between cells and components of theECM.

FibrosisA process culminating in the replacement of the normal structural elements oftissue with excessive, distorted and non-functional collagen (e.g. aberrantfiber/bundle arrangement, density and reduced elastic-malleability). Fibrosis iscommonly seen with unchecked/chronic inflammation as a result of cumulativetrauma, soft-tissue over-use or repetitive strain/motion type impairments.Fibrotic tissue within an injured area can hinder muscle regeneration and lead toincomplete functional recovery (e.g. diminished contractile capabilities, andreduced elasticity), increasing the risk of re-injury.


A process culminating in the replacement of the normal structural elements of

tissue with excessive, distorted and non-functional collagen (e.g. aberrant

fiber/bundle arrangement, density and reduced elastic-malleability). Fibrosis is

commonly seen with unchecked/chronic inflammation as a result of cumulative

trauma, soft-tissue over-use or repetitive strain/motion type impairments.

Fibrotic tissue within an injured area can hinder muscle regeneration and lead to

incomplete functional recovery (e.g. diminished contractile capabilities, and

reduced elasticity), increasing the risk of re-injury.

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