[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


PreventionWays of coping and current life circumstances can contribute to a greaterlikelihood of compassion fatigue and indirect trauma. So it goes without sayingthat taking measures to minimize stressors, develop effective stress coping skillsand build solid, personal and professional, support networks are importantpreventative measures.The therapist’s way of working with survivors may contribute to or diminish theincidence of compassion fatigue and indirect trauma. For example, managingboundaries effectively can help protect the therapist from compassion fatigueindirect trauma. The importance of professional boundaries for the sake of clientsafety and therapist well-being cannot be emphasized enough.

Care for the care providerIt is important to be able to recognize indicators of compassion fatigue indirecttrauma, as awareness is the first step toward change.Any professional working with trauma survivors can benefit from identifyingspecific difficulties, assessing the contributing factors, targeting specific steps totake, and getting support from friends or colleagues in taking those steps (ISTSS2015).Compassion fatigue and indirect trauma can be addressed by attending to basicself care: worklife balance, ensuring quality time for play and rest. Healthynutritional practices and regular exercise are also essential.Additionally, massage therapists can benefit from appropriate professionaltraining, connection with their colleagues, ongoing consultation for their work,and a place to talk about their experience of indirect trauma and, when necessary,professional assistance.Finally, it is essential to embrace or restore meaning and hope. Each individualmust find ways to connect with whatever in life is meaningful and gives purposefor that person (ISTSS 2015).ReferencesAjzen I, Fishbein M (2005) The influence of attitudes on behavior. In: Albarracin D, Johnson BT, ZannaMP, eds. The handbook of attitudes. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Al-Waili NS, Salom K, Butler G, Al Ghamdi AA (2011) Honey and microbial infections: a reviewsupporting the use of honey for microbial control. Journal of Medicinal Food 14: 1079–1096.Berman B, Perez OA, Konda S et al (2007) A review of the biologic effects, clinical efficacy, and safety ofsilicone elastomer sheeting for hypertrophic and keloid scar treatment and management. DermatologicSurgery 33: 1291–1302; discussion 1302.Bernstein DA, Borkovec TD, Hazlett-Stevens H (2000) New directions in progressive relaxation training: aguidebook for helping professionals. Westport CT: Praeger.Blaser G, Santos K, Bode U et al (2007) Effect of medical honey on wounds colonised or infected withMRSA. Journal of Wound Care 16: 325–328.Blass SC, Goost H, Tolba RH et al (2012) Time to wound closure in trauma patients with disorders inwound healing is shortened by supplements containing antioxidant micronutrients and glutamine: a PRCT.Clinical Nutrition 31(4): 469–475.Bodenheimer T (2003) Interventions to improve chronic illness care: evaluating their effectiveness. Disease

Care for the care provider

It is important to be able to recognize indicators of compassion fatigue indirect

trauma, as awareness is the first step toward change.

Any professional working with trauma survivors can benefit from identifying

specific difficulties, assessing the contributing factors, targeting specific steps to

take, and getting support from friends or colleagues in taking those steps (ISTSS


Compassion fatigue and indirect trauma can be addressed by attending to basic

self care: worklife balance, ensuring quality time for play and rest. Healthy

nutritional practices and regular exercise are also essential.

Additionally, massage therapists can benefit from appropriate professional

training, connection with their colleagues, ongoing consultation for their work,

and a place to talk about their experience of indirect trauma and, when necessary,

professional assistance.

Finally, it is essential to embrace or restore meaning and hope. Each individual

must find ways to connect with whatever in life is meaningful and gives purpose

for that person (ISTSS 2015).


Ajzen I, Fishbein M (2005) The influence of attitudes on behavior. In: Albarracin D, Johnson BT, Zanna

MP, eds. The handbook of attitudes. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Al-Waili NS, Salom K, Butler G, Al Ghamdi AA (2011) Honey and microbial infections: a review

supporting the use of honey for microbial control. Journal of Medicinal Food 14: 1079–1096.

Berman B, Perez OA, Konda S et al (2007) A review of the biologic effects, clinical efficacy, and safety of

silicone elastomer sheeting for hypertrophic and keloid scar treatment and management. Dermatologic

Surgery 33: 1291–1302; discussion 1302.

Bernstein DA, Borkovec TD, Hazlett-Stevens H (2000) New directions in progressive relaxation training: a

guidebook for helping professionals. Westport CT: Praeger.

Blaser G, Santos K, Bode U et al (2007) Effect of medical honey on wounds colonised or infected with

MRSA. Journal of Wound Care 16: 325–328.

Blass SC, Goost H, Tolba RH et al (2012) Time to wound closure in trauma patients with disorders in

wound healing is shortened by supplements containing antioxidant micronutrients and glutamine: a PRCT.

Clinical Nutrition 31(4): 469–475.

Bodenheimer T (2003) Interventions to improve chronic illness care: evaluating their effectiveness. Disease

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