[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition

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Box 10.3

A reflection on reasons for saying no (Mayo, 2013)

• Saying no isn’t selfish. Saying no to a new commitment is honoring your

existing obligations and can make certain that you can devote high

quality time to them. Quality of life is as important to the therapist’s

wellbeing as it is to the client.

• Always saying yes isn’t healthy. When you are overcommitted and under

a lot of stress, you may feel run-down which can contribute to getting


• Saying yes can cut others out. By saying no, you give the opportunity to

other therapists or care providers. This can build your and your client’s

interprofessional network.

Learning to say no appropriately is an important part of managing professional

boundaries and managing your stress-load. Take into account the following

guidelines when deciding what is best for you (Mayo Clinic 2013):

• Weigh your obligations and priorities before making any new commitments. If

the new client will benefit from your work, and your schedule will allow, then

schedule them in. If not, refer out.

• Weigh time commitment demands. Is the new client a short- or long-term

commitment? For example, if the healthcare team feels therapeutic scar

management is needed for 6 weeks, can you accommodate the client weekly

for that amount of time? If the client is long term – 6 months or more – can

you make arrangements for the amount of time to properly care for the client’s

needs? This includes any paperwork involved in the patient’s care. Don’t say

yes if it will mean months of burdensome stress. Your burnout serves no good


• Guilt should not be part of the equation. Don’t agree to a take on a new client

out of guilt or obligation. Agreeing will likely lead to additional stress and

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