[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


likelihood of engagement is highly … unlikely. Simply telling the client that aparticular measure is supported by research or will be helpful for them may notwork for every client. This calls upon the therapist to be creative.Discover your client’s interests and utilize your own creativity to present theinformation in a manner that somehow relates to the client’s interests or to arelevant meme. Or devise a compelling analogy, for example: a car enginerequires oil to lubricate moving parts in order to reduce friction – our bodiesrequire proper hydration to serve the same purpose.Providing information in a manner that is interesting, understandable andmeaningful (i.e. seems to make sense to the client) will nurture client selfinterestand stimulate a change in behavior. Change begins with awareness.Also, as noted, it is always best to keep client self- and homecare measuresuncomplicated and easy to integrate into daily life.Client Self/Home CareThe usual spectrum of self/homecare measures apply to traumatic scar clients.Each individual will require individual consideration and recommendations.Basic protocol guidelines include:• Identify the client’s needs and goals and what might facilitate the MTtreatments• Prioritize: generally begin with, or provide measures for, what the clientidentifies as the most troublesome; or begin with a measure that is sure toderive a benefit as this can serve to inspire the client• Keep it simple, address each issue individually.Client self care to be administered at home may include injury and careeducation, various exercises, and other measures taken following treatment tofacilitate the work or reduce the incidence of post-treatment discomfort (e.g. heator cold applications and adequate hydration). No specific measure, other thangeneral post-treatment care and relaxation measures, will be covered in depth inthis book as each could justify a book of its own.The techniques, as described in this book, do not have to be painful to beproductive – this includes both during and post-treatment. However, it is notunusual for a bit of tenderness or mild post-treatment soreness to occur in some

instances. Make your clients aware of this. And, if they experience atypicalsoreness (e.g. moderate to intense pain), ask them to call and let you know soyou can document it in their file and figure out why an atypical responseoccurred. And, so that you can suggest appropriate client selfcare measures toaddress the atypical soreness (e.g. heat or cold application, client-directed painmanagement options).

instances. Make your clients aware of this. And, if they experience atypical

soreness (e.g. moderate to intense pain), ask them to call and let you know so

you can document it in their file and figure out why an atypical response

occurred. And, so that you can suggest appropriate client selfcare measures to

address the atypical soreness (e.g. heat or cold application, client-directed pain

management options).

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