[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


their care.In addition to meeting professional requirements, information sharing with theclient can serve to bolster their sense of empowerment, as information sharingprovides the client with an opportunity to understand and weigh options andmake choices.Empowerment ensures the opportunity to act in accordance with one’s valuesand interests, thereby supporting autonomy and a greater sense of feeling incontrol of matters pertaining to one’s health and wellbeing. When one feelsempowered, they are more likely to engage in a particular selfcare measure.Empowerment drives change.TechnologyNo-one moves a muscle these days (pun intended) without consulting a device.Our device-driven world does have its benefits, and this is certainly true inhealthcare.There is a fundamental shift in healthcare systems around the world, facilitatedby the emphasis placed on self-management and technological possibilities.Health and wellness information and measures can be accessed via the Internetand are often free, thereby reducing cost and increasing the availability to alarger population base (Bradway et al. 2015).Various health apps, have taken significant strides in overcoming many of thebarriers that patients have to self-management, including usability, relevance tothe patient’s lifestyle, compliance and understanding of their injury/impairmentthrough readily available and recurrent viewing. Additionally, studies haveshown that patients believe that this option is effective in increasing their senseof control over their situation and such tools help empower the patient andsupport their ability to enter into a more informed conversation with theirhealthcare provider. An informed client and collaborative care approachstrengthens the therapeutic relationship (Tatara et al. 2013, Bradway et al. 2015).

Clinical ConsiderationThe authors utilize personal device technology to help reinforce or supportthe provision of client self or homecare instructions. Instead of providingverbal instructions at the end of a treatment session and/or static handoutswith exercise illustrations, the client is encouraged to audio- or videorecordany self/homecare measures so that they can review as often asneeded. The authors have noticed a notable shift in compliance and/orengagement with clients who have video-taped ‘how to’, a homecaremeasure on their smartphone. The authors also admit to YouTube usage, asthere are some great informative presentations and exercise, how to, clipsavailable. Clients tend to welcome professionally scrutinized and usefullinks.RelevancyIn addition to the judicious use of technology, the authors have found that it ishelpful to get to know the client a bit before beginning the self/homecareinformation-sharing process to any great degree. Some clients may be eager forinformation and/or measures while others may require a more gradual orminimalistic introduction or approach.The authors suggest refraining from providing extensive client self/homecaremeasures after the initial treatment, with the exception of basic measures tofacilitate the treatment or minimize the possibility of post-treatment soreness.Getting to know the client a bit better will provide valuable insight as to howbest to communicate or present selfcare measures. Recall as students, some of usshow a preference for visual, auditory, kinesthetic or tactile learning; this appliesto clients as well.Research may support that a particular measure derives the best outcome;however, if the client views the measure as irrelevant or unrealistic, the

Clinical Consideration

The authors utilize personal device technology to help reinforce or support

the provision of client self or homecare instructions. Instead of providing

verbal instructions at the end of a treatment session and/or static handouts

with exercise illustrations, the client is encouraged to audio- or videorecord

any self/homecare measures so that they can review as often as

needed. The authors have noticed a notable shift in compliance and/or

engagement with clients who have video-taped ‘how to’, a homecare

measure on their smartphone. The authors also admit to YouTube usage, as

there are some great informative presentations and exercise, how to, clips

available. Clients tend to welcome professionally scrutinized and useful



In addition to the judicious use of technology, the authors have found that it is

helpful to get to know the client a bit before beginning the self/homecare

information-sharing process to any great degree. Some clients may be eager for

information and/or measures while others may require a more gradual or

minimalistic introduction or approach.

The authors suggest refraining from providing extensive client self/homecare

measures after the initial treatment, with the exception of basic measures to

facilitate the treatment or minimize the possibility of post-treatment soreness.

Getting to know the client a bit better will provide valuable insight as to how

best to communicate or present selfcare measures. Recall as students, some of us

show a preference for visual, auditory, kinesthetic or tactile learning; this applies

to clients as well.

Research may support that a particular measure derives the best outcome;

however, if the client views the measure as irrelevant or unrealistic, the

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