[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


MonitoringSelfcare monitoring comprises routine and vigilant body monitoring,surveillance, or body listening (Dickson et al. 2008). The goal of self-monitoringis recognition that a change has occurred.Recognition of an emotional change is aided by personal insight andinterpersonal awareness. Recognition of a physical change is facilitated bysomatic awareness. As MT is a powerful tool for improving body awareness andliteracy, we can see here the value of MT in improving client self-monitoring.Clients who are skilled in self-monitoring are more adept at self care and cancommunicate information that will facilitate the healthcare provider’s ability todeliver more effective treatment. Self-monitoring is the link between selfcaremaintenance and selfcare management.

ManagementSelfcare management is defined as the response to sensations and/or changeswhen they occur. As noted previously, awareness of, and changes in, emotionaland physical state is facilitated by alertness to bodily sensations (somaticawareness).An important component of self-management, facilitated by somatic awareness,is the client’s ability to reliably determine how his/her sensations change inresponse to MT treatment and/or selfcare practices and activities.Client-reported changes are an integral component in evaluating theeffectiveness of implemented treatment and selfcare measures.Healing and recovery following any trauma or injury extends beyond thetreatment room. It is the massage therapist’s role to assist the client withevaluating self-management options in order to determine a best course ofaction, as this will factor significantly into long-term outcomes for the client.The ultimate outcome of scar rehabilitation is for the client to be able toreintegrate into society and fully participate in life.


Selfcare monitoring comprises routine and vigilant body monitoring,

surveillance, or body listening (Dickson et al. 2008). The goal of self-monitoring

is recognition that a change has occurred.

Recognition of an emotional change is aided by personal insight and

interpersonal awareness. Recognition of a physical change is facilitated by

somatic awareness. As MT is a powerful tool for improving body awareness and

literacy, we can see here the value of MT in improving client self-monitoring.

Clients who are skilled in self-monitoring are more adept at self care and can

communicate information that will facilitate the healthcare provider’s ability to

deliver more effective treatment. Self-monitoring is the link between selfcare

maintenance and selfcare management.

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