[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Journal of Plastic Surgery 10: 354–363.Findley T, Chaudhry H, Stecco A, Roman M (2012) Fascia research – a narrative review. Journal ofBodywork and Movement Therapies 16(1): 67–75.Fitch P (2014) Talking body, listening hands: a guide to professionalism, communication and thetherapeutic relationship. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.Földi M (2012) Foeldi’s textbook of lymphology: For Physicians and Lymphedema therapists, 3rd edn. StLouis, MO: Mosby.Fourie W (2012) In: Schleip R, Findley T, Chaitow L, Huijing P (eds) Fascia: the tensional network of thehuman body. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.Fourie W (2014) Management of scars and adhesions. In: Chaitow L, ed. Fascial dysfunction: manualtherapy approaches. Ch. 18. Pencaitland, UK: Handspring Publishing.Fourie WJ, Robb KA (2009) Physiotherapy management of axillary web syndrome following breast cancertreatment: discussing the use of soft tissue techniques. Physiotherapy 95(4): 314–320.Franz MG, Steed DL, Robson MC (2007) Optimizing healing of the acute wound by minimizingcomplications. Current Problems in Surgery 14: 691–763.Fritz S (2013) Mosby’s Fundamentals of therapeutic massage, 5th edn. Maryland Heights, MA: ElsevierMosby.Gantwerker E, Hom D (2012) Principles to minimize scars. Facial Plastic Surgery: FPS [serial online].October 28(5): 473–486.Geiersperger K (2009) Wundheilung und Ernahrung. Master Theisis fur der Universitatslehrgang fur sportsphysiotherapy. Paris Lodron Universitat – Abteilung Sportwissenschaften.Gilbert PM, Havenstrite KL, Magnusson KE et al (2010) Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stemcell self-renewal in culture. Science 329: 1078–1081.Gordillo GM, Sen CK (2003) Revisiting the essential role of oxygen in wound healing. American Journal ofSurgery 186: 259–263.Goutos I, Dziewulski P, Richardson PM (2009) Pruritus in burns: review article. Journal of Burn Care andResearch 30: 221–8.Gowan-Moody D (2011) The use of pain rating scales - a low back pain model. TouchU.ca online course.Available at: www.touchu.ca [Accessed 18 February 2015].Granert O, Peller M, Gaser C et al (2011) Manual activity shapes structure and function in contralateralhuman motor hand area. NeuroImage 54(1): 32–41.Guan L, Collet JP, Yuskiv N et al (2014) The effect of massage therapy on autonomic activity in critically illchildren. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: eCAM, 2014, 656750.Guimberteau (2012) Scars and Adhesions Panel - Lecture notes from The 3rd International Fascia ResearchCongress, Vancouver, 28–30 March.Gunn CC, Milbrandt WE (1978) Early and subtle signs in low-back sprain. Spine 3(3): 267–281.Gürol AP, Polat S, Akçay MN (2010) Itching, pain, and anxiety levels are reduced with massage therapy inburned adolescents. Journal of Burn Care & Research 31(3): 429–432.Hammer W (2013) Dynamic Chiropractic Canada – October 1, Vol 06, Issue 10. Available at:http://www.dynamicchiropractic.ca/mpacms/dc_ca/article.php?id=56688 [Accessed 24 February 2015].Hertling D, Kessler RM (2006) Management of common musculoskeletal disorders: physical therapy

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Journal of Plastic Surgery 10: 354–363.

Findley T, Chaudhry H, Stecco A, Roman M (2012) Fascia research – a narrative review. Journal of

Bodywork and Movement Therapies 16(1): 67–75.

Fitch P (2014) Talking body, listening hands: a guide to professionalism, communication and the

therapeutic relationship. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.

Földi M (2012) Foeldi’s textbook of lymphology: For Physicians and Lymphedema therapists, 3rd edn. St

Louis, MO: Mosby.

Fourie W (2012) In: Schleip R, Findley T, Chaitow L, Huijing P (eds) Fascia: the tensional network of the

human body. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

Fourie W (2014) Management of scars and adhesions. In: Chaitow L, ed. Fascial dysfunction: manual

therapy approaches. Ch. 18. Pencaitland, UK: Handspring Publishing.

Fourie WJ, Robb KA (2009) Physiotherapy management of axillary web syndrome following breast cancer

treatment: discussing the use of soft tissue techniques. Physiotherapy 95(4): 314–320.

Franz MG, Steed DL, Robson MC (2007) Optimizing healing of the acute wound by minimizing

complications. Current Problems in Surgery 14: 691–763.

Fritz S (2013) Mosby’s Fundamentals of therapeutic massage, 5th edn. Maryland Heights, MA: Elsevier


Gantwerker E, Hom D (2012) Principles to minimize scars. Facial Plastic Surgery: FPS [serial online].

October 28(5): 473–486.

Geiersperger K (2009) Wundheilung und Ernahrung. Master Theisis fur der Universitatslehrgang fur sports

physiotherapy. Paris Lodron Universitat – Abteilung Sportwissenschaften.

Gilbert PM, Havenstrite KL, Magnusson KE et al (2010) Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stem

cell self-renewal in culture. Science 329: 1078–1081.

Gordillo GM, Sen CK (2003) Revisiting the essential role of oxygen in wound healing. American Journal of

Surgery 186: 259–263.

Goutos I, Dziewulski P, Richardson PM (2009) Pruritus in burns: review article. Journal of Burn Care and

Research 30: 221–8.

Gowan-Moody D (2011) The use of pain rating scales - a low back pain model. TouchU.ca online course.

Available at: www.touchu.ca [Accessed 18 February 2015].

Granert O, Peller M, Gaser C et al (2011) Manual activity shapes structure and function in contralateral

human motor hand area. NeuroImage 54(1): 32–41.

Guan L, Collet JP, Yuskiv N et al (2014) The effect of massage therapy on autonomic activity in critically ill

children. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: eCAM, 2014, 656750.

Guimberteau (2012) Scars and Adhesions Panel - Lecture notes from The 3rd International Fascia Research

Congress, Vancouver, 28–30 March.

Gunn CC, Milbrandt WE (1978) Early and subtle signs in low-back sprain. Spine 3(3): 267–281.

Gürol AP, Polat S, Akçay MN (2010) Itching, pain, and anxiety levels are reduced with massage therapy in

burned adolescents. Journal of Burn Care & Research 31(3): 429–432.

Hammer W (2013) Dynamic Chiropractic Canada – October 1, Vol 06, Issue 10. Available at:

http://www.dynamicchiropractic.ca/mpacms/dc_ca/article.php?id=56688 [Accessed 24 February 2015].

Hertling D, Kessler RM (2006) Management of common musculoskeletal disorders: physical therapy

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