[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationIt is important to note that eliciting paresthesia sensations may indicateneural distress. Exercise caution if strong paresthesia sensations are elicitedwhen the barrier is challenged as too much strain/pulling or compression ofsensitive neural structures may exacerbate the client’s symptoms and/ordrive SNS hyperarousal. The authors discourage the application of toostrong or forceful barrier challenge, both during assessment and treatment,as this tends to prove counterproductive.

Pathophysiological ConsiderationChanges in the skin and SF often mirror changes in deeper fascia. Skinfolds or creases in the neck have been correlated with cervical jointdysfunction (Gunn & Milbrandt 1978). It has been shown that the skin andSF are more adherent and resistant to skin rolling techniques over spinallevels which are dysfunctional (Taylor et al. 1990). The same applies in thereverse, because the layers are interconnected, distortions or restrictions inDF are often reflected in the skin and SF.

Clinical Consideration

It is important to note that eliciting paresthesia sensations may indicate

neural distress. Exercise caution if strong paresthesia sensations are elicited

when the barrier is challenged as too much strain/pulling or compression of

sensitive neural structures may exacerbate the client’s symptoms and/or

drive SNS hyperarousal. The authors discourage the application of too

strong or forceful barrier challenge, both during assessment and treatment,

as this tends to prove counterproductive.

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