[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 9.15‘Cs’. Begin as noted in Fig. 9.10 – grasp the bulk of tissue in an approximation-compressionmanner. Simultaneously apply pressure into the tissue with the thumbs and deviate the wrists in anulnar direction (curved arrows), bending the tissue into the letter ‘C’ until barrier/bind is felt.

Figure 9.16‘Ss’. Begin by grasping the tissue in an approximation-compression manner, then apply pressureinto the tissue with the thumbs and fingers in opposing directions, bending the tissue into the letter‘S’ (begin at pressure grade 1–3 (see Box 9.8), and slowly increase until barrier/bind is felt).

Figure 9.16

‘Ss’. Begin by grasping the tissue in an approximation-compression manner, then apply pressure

into the tissue with the thumbs and fingers in opposing directions, bending the tissue into the letter

‘S’ (begin at pressure grade 1–3 (see Box 9.8), and slowly increase until barrier/bind is felt).

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