[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Gross stretchGross stretch technique is a combination of tension and compression, and isutilized to engage broader areas of tissue. Gross stretch can be used when moreintense, isolating or deeper techniques, such as skin rolling or shear, areuncomfortable for the client to receive. Gross stretch can also be used to prewarmand soften tissue prior to applying more intense type of techniques. Thistechnique can be used to address either superficial or deeper tissue layers.Pressure can vary from very light (grade 1–3 – see Box 9.8) to moderate (grade4–6). Barrier considerations apply.

Gentle circlesGentle circle technique, a combination of tension and compression, is used totarget superficial tissue layers. Like J-strokes, gentle circles can be used in theearlier stages of healing, once the scar is stable (i.e. no risk of dehiscence).Typically, pressure grades 1–4 (see Box 9.8) are used when applying thistechnique. This technique is also commonly used as a form of client selfmassage.Lotion/lubricant is typically used to perform this technique.

Gentle circles

Gentle circle technique, a combination of tension and compression, is used to

target superficial tissue layers. Like J-strokes, gentle circles can be used in the

earlier stages of healing, once the scar is stable (i.e. no risk of dehiscence).

Typically, pressure grades 1–4 (see Box 9.8) are used when applying this

technique. This technique is also commonly used as a form of client selfmassage.

Lotion/lubricant is typically used to perform this technique.

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