[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationAs all of the therapeutic loading techniques are application of mechanicalstrain, all have the potential to influence neurophysiological and integrinmediatedresponses. Additionally, mechanical strain stretches tissue andgenerates heat, which in turn influence tissue pliability and mobility.

Tension techniqueTension technique is the tensile opposition of structures in the form traction,drag, glide, stretch, extension and elongation. The intended outcome islengthening tissue and cleaving excessive/undue collagen cross-links anddisengaging fine pathological cross-links, as illustrated in Figure 9.8.

Tension technique

Tension technique is the tensile opposition of structures in the form traction,

drag, glide, stretch, extension and elongation. The intended outcome is

lengthening tissue and cleaving excessive/undue collagen cross-links and

disengaging fine pathological cross-links, as illustrated in Figure 9.8.

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