[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 9.5Rotary (thorax). Half-moon/circles are generated with the hand elevated, the thumb abducted, withthe finger joints neutral and the fingertips in contact with the skin and SF. The MT places the handon the skin with the ulnar side without pressure, while the thumb goes into abduction. The SF isdisplaced with increasing stretch toward the drainage area with the thumb moving to adduction atthe end of the stroke. The MT then moves the hand to the next area to be manipulated and repeatsthe technique. The MT may use one or both hands. All strokes begin proximal to the terminus andmove distal. (A–D) Red arrows indicate the direction of lymph flow.• Begin with clearing the head area first. Start proximal to distal on the SCMusing half circles toward the terminus.• Proceed with half circles proximal to distal along the mandible, masseter,temporalis, and the occipitofrontalis.• Use pumping or scooping techniques on the upper extremites, one extremity ata time.• For the thorax, use the rotary technique.• Repeat pumping or scooping technique on the lower extremities, one extremityat a time.

Figure 9.5

Rotary (thorax). Half-moon/circles are generated with the hand elevated, the thumb abducted, with

the finger joints neutral and the fingertips in contact with the skin and SF. The MT places the hand

on the skin with the ulnar side without pressure, while the thumb goes into abduction. The SF is

displaced with increasing stretch toward the drainage area with the thumb moving to adduction at

the end of the stroke. The MT then moves the hand to the next area to be manipulated and repeats

the technique. The MT may use one or both hands. All strokes begin proximal to the terminus and

move distal. (A–D) Red arrows indicate the direction of lymph flow.

• Begin with clearing the head area first. Start proximal to distal on the SCM

using half circles toward the terminus.

• Proceed with half circles proximal to distal along the mandible, masseter,

temporalis, and the occipitofrontalis.

• Use pumping or scooping techniques on the upper extremites, one extremity at

a time.

• For the thorax, use the rotary technique.

• Repeat pumping or scooping technique on the lower extremities, one extremity

at a time.

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