[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationsBurn rehabilitation MT has been shown to be effective in improving pain,pruritus, depression and scar characteristics in hypertrophic scars in postburnpatients (Roh et al. 2007, Cho et al. 2014).

Pathophysiological ConsiderationUnder normal, physiological conditions, restoration of a functionalepidermal barrier is highly efficient, whereas repair of the deeper layers isless so and can potentially result in a scar that causes substantial loss oforiginal tissue structure and function. Meaning: what we see on the surfacecan be very different than what may be happening in underlying tissues,such as the dermis, various CT and fascial layers. In all soft tissues andorgans comprising CT, the parenchymal tissue can be replaced by thedeposition of new ECM. If new ECM deposition is excessive this cangradually lead to tissue fibrosis and, ultimately, to diminished or loss offunction. In addition to initial damage, ongoing multiple acute or chronicstimuli, including autoimmune reactions, infections, or mechanical injurycan delay and negatively impact the healing process, resulting in abnormalremodeling (Guimberteau 2012, Eming et al. 2014).

Pathophysiological Consideration

Under normal, physiological conditions, restoration of a functional

epidermal barrier is highly efficient, whereas repair of the deeper layers is

less so and can potentially result in a scar that causes substantial loss of

original tissue structure and function. Meaning: what we see on the surface

can be very different than what may be happening in underlying tissues,

such as the dermis, various CT and fascial layers. In all soft tissues and

organs comprising CT, the parenchymal tissue can be replaced by the

deposition of new ECM. If new ECM deposition is excessive this can

gradually lead to tissue fibrosis and, ultimately, to diminished or loss of

function. In addition to initial damage, ongoing multiple acute or chronic

stimuli, including autoimmune reactions, infections, or mechanical injury

can delay and negatively impact the healing process, resulting in abnormal

remodeling (Guimberteau 2012, Eming et al. 2014).

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