[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationA correlation between stress, anxiety, depression and pain has beenidentified, meaning that a relationship exists between these elements.Although stress, anxiety, depression and pain often are found together,whether any one of them causes any of the others is unclear. Regardless,the four conditions often respond to the same applications of massage(Fritz 2013).

Clinical ConsiderationNumerous systematic reviews and clinical studies have suggested that, atleast for the short-term, MT for cancer patients may reduce pain, promoterelaxation and boost mood. Dryden and Moyer (2012) suggest that MTmay induce neuroendocrine-mediated secretion of neurotransmitters andhormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and oxytocin,producing an analgesic effect.

Clinical Consideration

A correlation between stress, anxiety, depression and pain has been

identified, meaning that a relationship exists between these elements.

Although stress, anxiety, depression and pain often are found together,

whether any one of them causes any of the others is unclear. Regardless,

the four conditions often respond to the same applications of massage

(Fritz 2013).

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