[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


TechniquesTechniques commonly employed are superficial fluid techniques and neuralsedation. Judicious use of gentle CT and fascial techniques, in the form of brief,light-cyclical stretch/loading, are also indicated. Barrier should not be engagednear or around the injury site.

Dosage considerationsThe presence of pain and inflammation are the primary indicators for treatment.The client’s tolerance level may indicate a shorter duration treatment of 30minutes, otherwise the typical duration of 60 minutes is indicated. Frequency of1–3 treatments per week is a general guideline. Early stage care will typically beimplemented for 6–12 weeks, followed by the transition to later stage care.

Dosage considerations

The presence of pain and inflammation are the primary indicators for treatment.

The client’s tolerance level may indicate a shorter duration treatment of 30

minutes, otherwise the typical duration of 60 minutes is indicated. Frequency of

1–3 treatments per week is a general guideline. Early stage care will typically be

implemented for 6–12 weeks, followed by the transition to later stage care.

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