[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Recall from Chapter 5: the inflammation stage typically lasts 1–4 days and theproliferation stage typically 4–21 days, but may last for up to 6 weeks. In somecases edema, elevated temperature around the wound and pain may still bepresent throughout the proliferation stage.

Treatment outcomesEssentially, early intervention focuses on pain management, attenuating stressand anxiety, attenuating inflammation and managing undue tissue tension as ameans to facilitate client comfort and reduce or preventing undue adhesions andpathophysiological scar formation. In the latter days of proliferation,movement/mobilization of tissue supports improved tissue hydration and thestate of ground substance (GS), facilitation of venous and lymphatic drainage,regulation of fibrin production, good fiber orientation and sufficient strength ofthe newly forming scar.

Treatment outcomes

Essentially, early intervention focuses on pain management, attenuating stress

and anxiety, attenuating inflammation and managing undue tissue tension as a

means to facilitate client comfort and reduce or preventing undue adhesions and

pathophysiological scar formation. In the latter days of proliferation,

movement/mobilization of tissue supports improved tissue hydration and the

state of ground substance (GS), facilitation of venous and lymphatic drainage,

regulation of fibrin production, good fiber orientation and sufficient strength of

the newly forming scar.

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