[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


• Be mindful when working with those who are touch sensitive – physically andpsychologically• Fragile tissue such as newly grafted tissue and wounds in the early stages ofhealing – tread lightly or stay away completely• Open wounds – if it’s open and oozing and not yours, don’t touch it.

Deep workThe deep techniques noted in this book are not appropriate for the followingsituations: acute neural distress and hard nerve pain; when a client is inemotional distress (to the degree that deeper work would elevate their anxiety ordistress); osteoporosis; vascular pathologies; and cervical rheumatoid arthritis.Use sound judgment and proceed with appropriate consideration in such cases.Some other general and local CI considerations for forceful and deep techniquesinclude:• Bone fractures or acute soft tissue injuries: wait for full healing (6 weeks – 3months) – local• Cortisone injections: local/2–3 months• Inflammation: local/during acute stage• Phlebitis, embolism, thrombus – local• Newly forming scar tissue (including surgeries) – local/wait until the tissue isstable (about 6–7 weeks)• Patients who have low blood platelet counts (e.g. as seen with splenomegaly,leukemia, chemotherapy), who are taking anticoagulant medications such asheparin or warfarin, or who have locally any potentially weak area of the skinsuch as near wounds (NIH 2015).Additionally, acute inflammatory flare-ups may present with flu-like symptoms(malaise, unwell) which may be contraindicatory if treatment seems toooverwhelming for the client that day.

Deep work

The deep techniques noted in this book are not appropriate for the following

situations: acute neural distress and hard nerve pain; when a client is in

emotional distress (to the degree that deeper work would elevate their anxiety or

distress); osteoporosis; vascular pathologies; and cervical rheumatoid arthritis.

Use sound judgment and proceed with appropriate consideration in such cases.

Some other general and local CI considerations for forceful and deep techniques


• Bone fractures or acute soft tissue injuries: wait for full healing (6 weeks – 3

months) – local

• Cortisone injections: local/2–3 months

• Inflammation: local/during acute stage

• Phlebitis, embolism, thrombus – local

• Newly forming scar tissue (including surgeries) – local/wait until the tissue is

stable (about 6–7 weeks)

• Patients who have low blood platelet counts (e.g. as seen with splenomegaly,

leukemia, chemotherapy), who are taking anticoagulant medications such as

heparin or warfarin, or who have locally any potentially weak area of the skin

such as near wounds (NIH 2015).

Additionally, acute inflammatory flare-ups may present with flu-like symptoms

(malaise, unwell) which may be contraindicatory if treatment seems too

overwhelming for the client that day.

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