[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Box 9.2The MT’s ability to use their senses analytically to collect informationinvolves three key concepts:• The ability to visualize what is happening in your client’s body. Forexample: you observe scar tissue from a burn injury that has envelopedthe client’s upper thoracic region. Can you envision how scarring in thisarea might affect the client’s movement and activities of daily living? Inaddition to the more obvious shoulder range of movement (ROM)issues, how might the scarring relate to the client’s other expressedcomplaint of low back pain? Could the limitation of arm swing bealtering her gait? In addition to observing straight-up shoulder ROMassessment, consider if she is limited in her ability to wash her hair,reach for items above her head or put on her car seat-belt? The ability tovisualize can often lead the therapist to ask important questions as theclient may not readily provide some information.• The ability to listen critically. Critical listening, a form of criticalanalysis, is fundamental to learning. Listening critically involvesanalyzing or evaluating the information received, and ultimatelyformulating an opinion that will reinforce good critical thinking,informed decision-making and problem-solving. When listeningcritically it is important to keep an open mind and not be biased bypreconceived ideas and personal judgments. For example: a client isdescribing the impact on her body from sitting at a computer for 8 hoursa day. Your questions seem to illicit the same responses you have heardfrom other clients in a similar situation. You find yourself not listeningbecause you’ve heard it before (a preconception), thereby blocking theability to listen fully and comprehend the information in a criticalmanner and perhaps in ways that you learn something new even thoughthe client’s response sounds the same (Lewis 2015).• Touch/palpate with a critical eye and hands. Palpation providesimportant information on tissue: structure, form, density and mobility.

Continuous evaluation during the session is important. What is differentseveral minutes into a treatment in comparison with when the treatmentstarted? What is happening in the surrounding structures, when the tissueunder your hands is palpated? Like critical listening, critical palpationrequires us to not preconceive. Approach each session with an openmind and hands; what was true for the client in the last session may notmanifest in the next session.(Fitch 2014)Take these observations with you when the traumatic scar tissue client is on thetable. Check the height of the hips, length of the legs, shoulder elevation, headtilt and skin color around the scarred area. Note your observations for referencepost-session.

Continuous evaluation during the session is important. What is different

several minutes into a treatment in comparison with when the treatment

started? What is happening in the surrounding structures, when the tissue

under your hands is palpated? Like critical listening, critical palpation

requires us to not preconceive. Approach each session with an open

mind and hands; what was true for the client in the last session may not

manifest in the next session.

(Fitch 2014)

Take these observations with you when the traumatic scar tissue client is on the

table. Check the height of the hips, length of the legs, shoulder elevation, head

tilt and skin color around the scarred area. Note your observations for reference


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