[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Assessment and EvaluationIt is important that healthcare professionals use up-to-date information and toolsto guide clinical decision-making. Simple, valid and reliable assessment andevaluation methods will help the therapist to proceed with confidence inproviding safe and effective care, tracking progress and then communicatingresults to stakeholders (e.g. the client, other care providers, benefit providers)(Gowan-Moody 2011).Outcome measurement, the systematic collection and analysis of information, isused to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment intervention (Clark & Gironda 2002,Gowan-Moody 2011). An important idea in health sciences’ research on efficacyis that the outcomes measured are client- or patient-centered; namely, pain,function, quality of life and satisfaction with care (Philadelphia Panel 2001,Gowan-Moody 2011).Professional MTs must continually ask if their care is safely and effectivelyaiding in the resolution or management of the client’s presenting concerns andissues. As clinicians we need to have valid, reliable and responsive tools toestablish a baseline and monitor change as a result of our treatment. Using thesesimple tools also aids in identifying appropriate dose-related variables, such asthe frequency, duration and number of treatments required to achieve clinicallysignificant outcomes (Ezzo 2007, Gowan-Moody 2011).Outcome measures are also invaluable for the therapist wishing to write andpublish case reports and case series, and also for those wishing to engage inclinical audit.Assessment and evaluation procedures for traumatic scar tissue clients willencompass the usual spectrum: palpation, local and global functional assessment(including postural and movement evaluation); neurological and special tests;and any measures to evaluate impact on activities of daily living. All assessmentand evaluation information is to be properly documented in the client’s file.Standard assessment and evaluation procedures will not be included in this book;however, certain key points with particular relevance to traumatic scars will beprovided.Assessment and evaluation will vary depending upon the stage of healing and if

we are gathering information about the scar itself, the tissue around the scar orthe scar-associated impairments.In general, consideration of the client’s emotional state, traumatic scar tissue andsurrounding and underlying tissues, and any compensatory presentations, need tobe evaluated and documented before and after each treatment session.

we are gathering information about the scar itself, the tissue around the scar or

the scar-associated impairments.

In general, consideration of the client’s emotional state, traumatic scar tissue and

surrounding and underlying tissues, and any compensatory presentations, need to

be evaluated and documented before and after each treatment session.

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