[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


DissociationAn abnormal sense of psychological, emotional, or physical detachment,experienced as a sense of unusual separation from the body (depersonalization)and/or unusual separation from the surrounding physical environment(derealization) – generally considered a psychological defense mechanism usedas a means to cope with overwhelming traumatic events.Double-crush injuryTerm used to denote when an axon, compressed in one region, becomessusceptible to injury at another site (e.g. development of a cervical radiculopathyin conjunction with carpal tunnel syndrome. Mechanisms similar to thoseassociated with sensitization are implicated.

Dry needlingA procedure involving insertion of an acupuncture needle into a myofascialtrigger point. Although an acupuncture needle is used, this is not the same asacupuncture treatment of points along an identified meridian.Edema (aka swelling)Accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues or cavities as a result of vesselpermeability and pressure changes and lymphatic flow obstruction.Physiological edema is considered part of the natural response of the body toinjury or insult.


An abnormal sense of psychological, emotional, or physical detachment,

experienced as a sense of unusual separation from the body (depersonalization)

and/or unusual separation from the surrounding physical environment

(derealization) – generally considered a psychological defense mechanism used

as a means to cope with overwhelming traumatic events.

Double-crush injury

Term used to denote when an axon, compressed in one region, becomes

susceptible to injury at another site (e.g. development of a cervical radiculopathy

in conjunction with carpal tunnel syndrome. Mechanisms similar to those

associated with sensitization are implicated.

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