[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Box 9.1Evidence-based and evidence-informed practiceIn practice it is desirable to be as evidence-based as possible, and evidenceinformedwhen definitive evidence does not exist. Evidence-informedpractice includes:• Practice knowledge and experience• Opinions of colleagues and other professionals• Wishes and experience of clients and• Evidence from research in massage or other similar disciplines.Evidence can be used to:• Explain and justify reasons for a decision relating to a treatment approach• Help choose between different approaches• Explain the potential benefits that MT may provide to a particular clientand• Raise your awareness about a condition or illness.(Adapted from Fritz 2013)

Traumatic Scars and Associated ImpairmentsBefore we discuss assessment and treatment, we need to identify what we areassessing and treating. In clarifying the focus of this book, it is important tomake a distinction between postsurgical abdominal and visceral adhesions andthe authors’ defined traumatic scars. Postsurgical abdominal/visceral adhesionsand manual visceral work are not discussed as the authors’ acknowledge that thisarea is comprehensively covered elsewhere.This is not to imply that we do not address the abdominal region; as a region it isaddressed, but the work is directed to the skin, fascia, muscles, vessels andnerves rather than, specifically, the adherences between viscera and articulatingtissues and structures.

Traumatic Scars and Associated Impairments

Before we discuss assessment and treatment, we need to identify what we are

assessing and treating. In clarifying the focus of this book, it is important to

make a distinction between postsurgical abdominal and visceral adhesions and

the authors’ defined traumatic scars. Postsurgical abdominal/visceral adhesions

and manual visceral work are not discussed as the authors’ acknowledge that this

area is comprehensively covered elsewhere.

This is not to imply that we do not address the abdominal region; as a region it is

addressed, but the work is directed to the skin, fascia, muscles, vessels and

nerves rather than, specifically, the adherences between viscera and articulating

tissues and structures.

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