[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


would like to work on the chest wall scar tissue today and take somemeasurements to document the progress. If, at any time, you areuncomfortable or feel discomfort at any time, please let me knowimmediately. I never want to go beyond your pain threshold.’• Mary: ‘Ok. I’ll let you know.’

SummarySeveral pieces of information were gathered in this 4-minute conversation.Mary had a cancer diagnosis, the loss of a breast, huge quality of lifechange and the loss of a child within a short amount of time. Hermedication side-effects cause muscle soreness and some tissue dehydrationissues. Mary had also continued her pain medication 4 years after hersurgery.Listening to Mary and negotiating her treatment for the session empoweredthe therapeutic relationship we had started. Agreement was made on goals,treatment protocol and pain tolerance.


Several pieces of information were gathered in this 4-minute conversation.

Mary had a cancer diagnosis, the loss of a breast, huge quality of life

change and the loss of a child within a short amount of time. Her

medication side-effects cause muscle soreness and some tissue dehydration

issues. Mary had also continued her pain medication 4 years after her


Listening to Mary and negotiating her treatment for the session empowered

the therapeutic relationship we had started. Agreement was made on goals,

treatment protocol and pain tolerance.

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