[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


countertransference, which can diminish the effectiveness of the therapeuticrelationship. Transference is the personalization of the professional relationshipby the client. Countertransference is the inability of the professional to separatethe therapeutic relationship from personal feelings and expectations for theclient, resulting in the professional’s personalization of the therapeuticrelationship (Fritz 2013).Additional resources on professional boundaries can be found in the Appendix.

Box 8.1Aside from obvious sexually inappropriate boundary crossing, thefollowing are some examples of less conspicuous boundary crossings:• Extending treatment time beyond what is needed to meet the client’stherapeutic needs• Maintaining a client on a treatment program longer than is required tomeet their needs• Disclosing personal problems to a client• Discussing personal information that provides no therapeutic value to theclient• Therapist-guided casual conversation that provides no therapeutic valueto the client.

Box 8.1

Aside from obvious sexually inappropriate boundary crossing, the

following are some examples of less conspicuous boundary crossings:

• Extending treatment time beyond what is needed to meet the client’s

therapeutic needs

• Maintaining a client on a treatment program longer than is required to

meet their needs

• Disclosing personal problems to a client

• Discussing personal information that provides no therapeutic value to the


• Therapist-guided casual conversation that provides no therapeutic value

to the client.

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