[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Providing a Safe Therapeutic EnvironmentAs professional healthcare providers, massage therapists (MTs) carry theresponsibility to neither harm nor exploit and to provide a safe therapeuticenvironment. A safe therapeutic environment is essentially two-fold; the physicaltreatment space and therapist demeanor.Numerous elements factor into a safe treatment space (e.g. free of potentialhazards and a quiet/low stimulation environment with calm lighting and décor).In terms of therapist demeanor, creating a safe environment begins withestablishing rapport with the client through respectful, collaborative, clientcentereddiscussion – a partnership grounded in the point of view andexperiences of the client. Good rapport helps build trust and the client’s sense ofsafety.

Clinical ConsiderationIt is important that every client understands that they are in charge in thetreatment room; that nothing occurs without their consent and that anyaspect of interaction or intervention can be halted at any time. Becausethose who have experienced traumatic events may feel particularlyvulnerable, this understanding warrants heightened consideration.It is important that the client understands that if anything does not feel right tothem, in any way, they need to inform the therapist so that treatment can bepaused, changes/modifications discussed and carried out in a manner that issatisfactory to the client. This affirms that the client’s voice matters – they are incontrol.In addition to verbal direction from the client, it is the professional’sresponsibility to be attentive and appropriately responsive to client non-verbalcues that indicate discomfort and/or unease.Establishing the treatment room and therapist/client interaction as a safeenvironment enhances the therapeutic process and treatment outcomes.Client-Centered CareA safe therapeutic environment ensures that the client has opportunities toexpress their needs and priority concerns.Client-centered care looks beyond the mere delivery of services to the client toinclude advocacy, empowerment, respect for the client’s autonomy andparticipation in decision-making (Andrade 2013).The authors embrace a clinical philosophy that encompasses a collaborativeposition of working with a client rather than on a client. Respecting that, whilethe therapist is the professional in the therapeutic relationship with expertise tohelp guide the treatment process, clients are experts on their own lives andbodies and what they feel and experience.

Providing a Safe Therapeutic Environment

As professional healthcare providers, massage therapists (MTs) carry the

responsibility to neither harm nor exploit and to provide a safe therapeutic

environment. A safe therapeutic environment is essentially two-fold; the physical

treatment space and therapist demeanor.

Numerous elements factor into a safe treatment space (e.g. free of potential

hazards and a quiet/low stimulation environment with calm lighting and décor).

In terms of therapist demeanor, creating a safe environment begins with

establishing rapport with the client through respectful, collaborative, clientcentered

discussion – a partnership grounded in the point of view and

experiences of the client. Good rapport helps build trust and the client’s sense of


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