[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Informed Consent and IntakeInformed consent constitutes an important component in professional practiceand in the development of the therapeutic relationship.Specifics pertaining to obtaining and documenting informed consent (e.g. legalrequirements and standards) vary depending upon the massage therapist’slicensing/registration requirements. However, the very essence of informedconsent is universal; ensuring the client has the information they need toparticipate in the collaborative process of determining course of therapeuticaction and understanding that they can halt or refuse all or any aspect of care atany time (right of refusal).The Free Medical Dictionary defines informed consent as: ‘consent of a patientor other recipient of services based on the principles of autonomy and privacy’.This has become the requirement at the center of morally valid decision makingin health care and research. Seven criteria define informed consent:1. Competence to understand and to decide2. Voluntary decision-making3. Disclosure of material information4. Recommendation of a plan5. Comprehension of terms (3 & 4)6. Decision in favor of a plan7. Authorization of the plan.A comprehensive intake procedure is an important part of the therapeuticprocess. A needs assessment, based on the client’s history and physicalassessment, is used to devise a treatment plan and identify therapeutic goals, andoutline the proposed measures taken to meet those goals. Effective therapistssystematically collect, document and analyze information from their clientsthroughout the therapeutic process and so it is important to utilize an objectivemethod for measuring progress and identifying when goals have been reached(Andrade & Clifford 2012, Fritz 2013).

Needs assessment, treatment planning and measuring progress are covered ingreater detail in Chapter 9.

Informed Consent and Intake

Informed consent constitutes an important component in professional practice

and in the development of the therapeutic relationship.

Specifics pertaining to obtaining and documenting informed consent (e.g. legal

requirements and standards) vary depending upon the massage therapist’s

licensing/registration requirements. However, the very essence of informed

consent is universal; ensuring the client has the information they need to

participate in the collaborative process of determining course of therapeutic

action and understanding that they can halt or refuse all or any aspect of care at

any time (right of refusal).

The Free Medical Dictionary defines informed consent as: ‘consent of a patient

or other recipient of services based on the principles of autonomy and privacy’.

This has become the requirement at the center of morally valid decision making

in health care and research. Seven criteria define informed consent:

1. Competence to understand and to decide

2. Voluntary decision-making

3. Disclosure of material information

4. Recommendation of a plan

5. Comprehension of terms (3 & 4)

6. Decision in favor of a plan

7. Authorization of the plan.

A comprehensive intake procedure is an important part of the therapeutic

process. A needs assessment, based on the client’s history and physical

assessment, is used to devise a treatment plan and identify therapeutic goals, and

outline the proposed measures taken to meet those goals. Effective therapists

systematically collect, document and analyze information from their clients

throughout the therapeutic process and so it is important to utilize an objective

method for measuring progress and identifying when goals have been reached

(Andrade & Clifford 2012, Fritz 2013).

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