[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


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Kutner JS, Smith MC, Corbin L et al (2008) Massage therapy versus simple touch to improve pain and

mood in patients with advanced cancer: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 149(6): 369–379.

Lazarus R, Folkman S (1984) Stress, appraisal and coping. New York: Springer.

Leproult R, Copinschi G, Buxton O, Van Cauter E (1997) Sleep loss results in an elevation of cortisol levels

the next evening. Sleep 20:865–870.

Levine PA (1997) Waking the tiger: healing trauma – the innate capacity to transform overwhelming

experiences. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Levine PA (2010) In an unspoken voice: how the body releases trauma and restores goodness. Berkeley,

CA: North Atlantic Books.

Lichtenthal WG, Cruess DG, Prigerson HG (2004) A case for establishing complicated grief as a distinct

mental disorder in DSM-V. Clinical Psychology Review 24:637–662.

Linton SJ (2000) A review of psychological risk factors in back and neck pain. Spine 25(9): 1148–1156.

Listing M, Krohn M, Liezmann C, Kim I et al (2010) The efficacy of classical massage on stress perception

and cortisol following primary treatment of breast cancer. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 13:165–173

[DOI 10.1007/s00737-009-0143-9].

Lucas VS (2011) Psychological stress and wound healing in humans: what we know. Wounds 23: 76–83.

Lusk B, Lash AA (2005) The stress response, psychoneuroimmunology and stress among ICU patients.

Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 24(1): 25–31.

May A, Stewart J, Tapert S, Paulus M (2014) Current and former methamphetamine-dependent adults show

attenuated brain response to pleasant interoceptive stimuli. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 140, e138. Doi:

10.1016/j. drugalcdep.2014.02.391.

McGuire L, Heffner KL, Glaser R et al (2006) Pain and wound healing in surgical patients. Annals of

Behavioral Medicine 31: 165–172.

Melzack R (1999) From the gate to the neuromatrix. Pain 82: S121–S126.

Melzack R, Katz J (2004) The gate control theory: reaching for the brain. In: Hadjistavropoulos T, Craig

KD, eds. Pain: psychological perspectives. pp 13–34. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Miller DB, O’Callaghan JP (2002) Neuroendocrine aspects of the response to stress. Metabolism 51(6): 5–


Minasny B (2009) Understanding the process of fascial unwinding. International Journal of Therepeutic

Massage Bodywork 2(3): 10–17.

Morhenn V, Beavin LE, Zak PJ (2012) Massage increases oxytocin and reduces adrenocorticotropin

hormone in humans. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 18: 11–18.

Moseley GL (2005) Widespread brain activity during an abdominal task markedly reduced after pain

physiology education: fMRI evaluation of a single patient with chronic low back pain. Australian Journal of

Physiotherapy 51(1): 49–52.

Moyer CA, Rounds J, Hannum JW (2004) A meta-analysis of massage therapy research. Psychological

Bulletin 130(1): 3–18.

Nagele S, Feichtner A (2005) Lehrbuch der Palliativpflege, Facultas, Wien, Austria.

NCTSN (2014) National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Available at: http://www.nctsn.org/ [Accessed 17

December 2014].

Ouchi Y, Kanno T, Okada H et al (2006) Changes in cerebral blood flow under the prone condition with and

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