[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationA number of somatic, non-linguistically dependent interventionsdemonstrate some degree of effectiveness; for example, trauma-sensitiveyoga (Emerson et al. 2009, Emerson & Hopper 2011, Spinazzola et al.2011, Van der Kolk et al. 2014). Additionally, MT can be an effective toolin teaching interoceptive awareness with respect to trauma and non-traumapatients.

Clinical ConsiderationAccording to Payne et al. (2015), clear links have been found betweencompromised interoceptive function and psychiatric disorders includingdepression (Avery et al. 2013), anxiety (Paulus & Stein 2010) andaddiction (May et al. 2014). Mindfulness meditation practices have beenshown to improve insular functioning and connectivity (Holzel et al. 2011)and to improve interoception (Farb et al. 2013).MT: A Co-Partner in Health PsychologyThere is increasing recognition that health psychology and MT encompassoverlapping areas of focus regarding diverse client/patient populations and thehealth conditions treated (Hymel & Rich 2013). Health psychology, according toHockenbury and Hockenbury (2011):... focuses on the role of psychological factors in the development,prevention, and treatment of illness and includes such areas as stress andcoping, the relationship between psychological factors and physical health,and ways of promoting health-enhancing behaviors.A meta-analysis of MT research suggests that some of the positive responses toMT may be attributable to the warmth and positive regard of the therapist towardthe client and the development of an alliance between the therapist and the client– factors considered to be associated with psychotherapeutic interactions(Andrade 2013). Moyer et al. (2004) state that ‘MT may have more in commonwith psychotherapy than was previously considered. Such evidence putsconsiderable responsibility on the therapist to respond to clients in a supportiveand compassionate way’ – and this demands maturity and deep understanding ofthe nature of the therapeutic relationship.As noted, practitioners who use massage techniques are generally not trained in

Clinical Consideration

According to Payne et al. (2015), clear links have been found between

compromised interoceptive function and psychiatric disorders including

depression (Avery et al. 2013), anxiety (Paulus & Stein 2010) and

addiction (May et al. 2014). Mindfulness meditation practices have been

shown to improve insular functioning and connectivity (Holzel et al. 2011)

and to improve interoception (Farb et al. 2013).

MT: A Co-Partner in Health Psychology

There is increasing recognition that health psychology and MT encompass

overlapping areas of focus regarding diverse client/patient populations and the

health conditions treated (Hymel & Rich 2013). Health psychology, according to

Hockenbury and Hockenbury (2011):

... focuses on the role of psychological factors in the development,

prevention, and treatment of illness and includes such areas as stress and

coping, the relationship between psychological factors and physical health,

and ways of promoting health-enhancing behaviors.

A meta-analysis of MT research suggests that some of the positive responses to

MT may be attributable to the warmth and positive regard of the therapist toward

the client and the development of an alliance between the therapist and the client

– factors considered to be associated with psychotherapeutic interactions

(Andrade 2013). Moyer et al. (2004) state that ‘MT may have more in common

with psychotherapy than was previously considered. Such evidence puts

considerable responsibility on the therapist to respond to clients in a supportive

and compassionate way’ – and this demands maturity and deep understanding of

the nature of the therapeutic relationship.

As noted, practitioners who use massage techniques are generally not trained in

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