[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


may feel unsettled or distressed and not trust the therapeutic process. Andheightened distress can further drive SNS hyperarousal, essentially opposite to acommon therapeutic goal or intention.Many studies show that the therapeutic value of MT increases when aconnection or rapport is established between client and therapist prior tocommencing with treatment. When working with traumatic scar tissue clients thesolidness of the established therapeutic relationship (e.g. rapport, safety andtrust) lays a foundation for the therapist to better navigate emotional or somaticmemory responses that may occur during treatment. The therapeutic relationshipis covered in greater detail in Chapter 8.

Clinical ConsiderationAccording to Payne et al. (2015):When the SNS is stuck in hyperarousal, any situation which in anyway looks or feels like the original trauma can lead to a reexperiencingof symptoms. This is vital to understand as there is ahigh possibility that bodywork can trigger such re-experiencing.This underpins why it is important that we understand the fundamentals ofhow to create a safe space for each client, develop strategies for safenavigation of all aspects of therapeutic interaction and determine whenreferral out is appropriate.

Clinical Consideration

According to Payne et al. (2015):

When the SNS is stuck in hyperarousal, any situation which in any

way looks or feels like the original trauma can lead to a reexperiencing

of symptoms. This is vital to understand as there is a

high possibility that bodywork can trigger such re-experiencing.

This underpins why it is important that we understand the fundamentals of

how to create a safe space for each client, develop strategies for safe

navigation of all aspects of therapeutic interaction and determine when

referral out is appropriate.

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