[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


amygdala that is primed to go into overdrive – the resulting SNS drivenhypersensitivity responses disrupt present day life and pose long-term (stresshormone driven) health considerations (van der Kolk 2014).

Clinical ConsiderationAccording to Korn (2013): MT can provide many benefits (e.g. improved:body awareness, sense of self, sense of connectedness/socialization,selfcare and selfregulation behaviors) for the issues seen in conjunctionwith diseases of dissociation.

amygdala that is primed to go into overdrive – the resulting SNS driven

hypersensitivity responses disrupt present day life and pose long-term (stress

hormone driven) health considerations (van der Kolk 2014).

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