[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationMT is commonly used for relaxation and pain relief, and it can also be aneffective therapy for aspects of mental health. Research suggests thatsymptoms of stress, anxiety and depression may be positively affected withMT. According to AMTA (2014), MT may:• Reduce trait anxiety and depression with a course of care providingbenefits similar in magnitude to those of psychotherapy• Increase neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decreasehormones associated with increasing anxiety• Significantly decrease heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolicblood pressure• Reduce depression in individuals with HIV, lessen anxiety in cancerpatients, and reduce anxiety and depression in military veterans andlower work-related stress for nurses.

DissociationDissociation is described as an abnormal sense of psychological, emotional orphysical detachment, experienced as a sense of unusual separation from the body(depersonalization) and/or unusual separation from the surrounding physicalenvironment (derealization). Generally speaking, people experience dissociationas part of a psychological defense mechanism against overwhelming traumaticevents. Some affected individuals develop any one of several diagnosableconditions known collectively as dissociative disorders. However, others developdissociation-related symptoms in the context of ASD or PTSD(ptsdtraumatreatment.org 2014).Depersonalization is experienced as sensations which include being ‘outside’ ofthe body, looking down at the body from a distance, and a partial disconnectionof the body–mind link that forms the basis for emotional responses.Derealization experiences are commonly associated with the feeling of beingstuck within a dream, a perception of objects in the environment as ‘unreal’ anda more generalized feeling of distance or separation from people or things(ptsdtraumatreatment.org 2014).According to van der Kolk (2014):Dissociation is the essence of trauma. The overwhelming experience isbeing split off and fragmented and the sensory fragments of memory canintrude into the present. As long as the trauma is not resolved, the stresshormones that the body secretes to protect itself keep circulating and thedefensive movements and emotional responses keep getting replayed. If theelements of the trauma are replayed again and again the accompanyingstress hormones engrave those memories ever more deeply in the mind.When stimulated in the present day, the amygdala makes no distinction betweenpast and present and reactivation triggers powerful stress hormones and NSresponses (e.g. sweating, trembling, racing heart rate and elevated BP). With an

Clinical Consideration

MT is commonly used for relaxation and pain relief, and it can also be an

effective therapy for aspects of mental health. Research suggests that

symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression may be positively affected with

MT. According to AMTA (2014), MT may:

• Reduce trait anxiety and depression with a course of care providing

benefits similar in magnitude to those of psychotherapy

• Increase neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decrease

hormones associated with increasing anxiety

• Significantly decrease heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic

blood pressure

• Reduce depression in individuals with HIV, lessen anxiety in cancer

patients, and reduce anxiety and depression in military veterans and

lower work-related stress for nurses.

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