[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


physical sensations). The inability of people with PTSD to integrate traumaticexperiences and their tendency, instead, to continuously relive the past aremirrored physiologically and hormonally in the misinterpretation of innocuousstimuli as potential threats (van der Kolk 1994).

Pathophysiological ConsiderationAccording to van der Kolk:Trauma victims are alienated from their bodies by the cascade ofevents that begins in the amygdala, which triggers a fight-or-flightresponse and consequent flood of stress hormones. Stress responseusually persists until the threat is vanquished. But if the perception ofthreat isn’t vanquished, the amygdala keeps sounding the alarm andwe keep producing stress hormones. It’s similar to what happens inchronic stress response, except that in traumatic stress, the memoriesof the traumatic event invade patients’ subconscious thoughts, sendingthem back into fight-or-flight mode at the slightest provocation.Traumatized individuals will attempt to avoid the emotional pain by‘dissociating’– taking leave of their bodies, so much so that they oftencannot describe their own physical sensations.(Interlandi 2014).

physical sensations). The inability of people with PTSD to integrate traumatic

experiences and their tendency, instead, to continuously relive the past are

mirrored physiologically and hormonally in the misinterpretation of innocuous

stimuli as potential threats (van der Kolk 1994).

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