[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition

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Clinical Consideration

According to Tejero-Fernández and colleagues:

High-quality but preliminary evidence supports the possibility that

massage exerts immunological effects by virtue of influence on the

PSNS – inducing a more relaxed/less distressed state

(Crane et al. 2012, Tejero-Fernández et al. 2014)

Although the physiologic effects of touch are not fully understood, it

appears to sustain social bonds and to increase cooperative behaviors.

Oxytocin is known to facilitate social bonding and has been shown to play

an important role in the modulation of stress response (Wikstrom et al.

2003, Uvnas-Moberg & Petersson 2005, Listing et al. 2010). As touch is

linked to increased levels of oxytocin, in part, certain beneficial responses

to massage are attributed to the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin secretion has

been reported to significantly increase after a 15-minute moderate-pressure

back massage in association with a significant decrease in the stress

hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone. Oxytocin has also been shown to

significantly enhance the analgesic placebo response to pain. Oxytocin is

also thought to modulate inflammation by decreasing certain cytokines and

attenuating stress-induced cortisol levels. Therefore, it is suggested that

increased release of oxytocin has the potential to speed healing (Sen et al.

2002, Detillion et al. 2004, Christian et al. 2006, Morhenn et al. 2012,

Kessner et al. 2013, Turkeltaub et al. 2014).]

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