[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationThose patients who experience greater postsurgical pain take longer to heal,suggesting that pain perception may impact wound healing. In addition tothe physical disruption of tissue, pain perception can be influenced bypsychological stress, and the heightened distress, in response to painperception, can contribute to slower healing (Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 1998,Christian et al. 2006, McGuire et al. 2006).

Clinical ConsiderationAccording to Christian et al. 2006:A variety of stress paradigms, wounding techniques, and methods ofhealing assessment have clearly established that psychological stressslows healing. Dysregulation of both glucocorticoid and cytokinefunction are key biological links between stress and healing. Thepotential clinical impact of stress on wound healing is notable, withimportant implications in the context of surgery and other wounds.Therefore, evidence suggests that interventions designed to reducestress and its concomitants can prevent stress-induced impairments inhealing.Research supporting MTs impact on stress and anxiety as well as emergingresearch suggesting MT may improve immune function, affirm MT as aworthwhile consideration in wound healing protocols.

Pathophysiological Consideration

Those patients who experience greater postsurgical pain take longer to heal,

suggesting that pain perception may impact wound healing. In addition to

the physical disruption of tissue, pain perception can be influenced by

psychological stress, and the heightened distress, in response to pain

perception, can contribute to slower healing (Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 1998,

Christian et al. 2006, McGuire et al. 2006).

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