[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationElevated levels of cortisol and other glucocorticoids, produced by theadrenal glands during prolonged stress are associated with SNShyperarousal which can lead to suppressed immunity, sleep disturbance,inappropriate inflammatory response, and increases in the level ofsubstance P (Fritz 2013).

Pathophysiological ConsiderationStress response to surgery comprises a number of hormonal changesinitiated by neuronal activation of the HPA. The magnitude and duration ofthe response is proportional to the degree of surgical injury anddevelopment of complications such as sepsis (Desborough 2000).

Pathophysiological Consideration

Elevated levels of cortisol and other glucocorticoids, produced by the

adrenal glands during prolonged stress are associated with SNS

hyperarousal which can lead to suppressed immunity, sleep disturbance,

inappropriate inflammatory response, and increases in the level of

substance P (Fritz 2013).

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