[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationVarious innate re-setting or recalibration mechanisms assist us with returnto homeostasis following stress response; for example, crying has beenrecognized as a spontaneous biological activity which can lead to therestoration of balanced autonomic tone (Graèanin 2014). Similarly, seekingcomfort (tend and befriend) or shaking off/discharging the internal tornadoof energy following a threat are also innate mechanisms for restoringautonomic balance. If behavioral conditioning or circumstances prevents orinterferes with our innate restoration mechanisms, our ability to return to anormal state of autonomic nervous system (ANS) functionality is impacted(Payne et al. 2015).

Clinical ConsiderationProlonged stress response has been shown to suppress the immune system,disturb diurnal rhythm, stimulate or sustain obesity, adversely impact thebody’s pH balance and increase the incidence of chronic myofascialtension.

Pathophysiological Consideration

Various innate re-setting or recalibration mechanisms assist us with return

to homeostasis following stress response; for example, crying has been

recognized as a spontaneous biological activity which can lead to the

restoration of balanced autonomic tone (Graèanin 2014). Similarly, seeking

comfort (tend and befriend) or shaking off/discharging the internal tornado

of energy following a threat are also innate mechanisms for restoring

autonomic balance. If behavioral conditioning or circumstances prevents or

interferes with our innate restoration mechanisms, our ability to return to a

normal state of autonomic nervous system (ANS) functionality is impacted

(Payne et al. 2015).

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