[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationA systematic review (Linton 2000) showed that stress, distress and anxietyare significant factors in the development of neck and back pain andanother study demonstrated a strong correlation between a diagnosis ofanxiety and chronic widespread pain. Recent brain imaging studies showthat emotions have a powerful effect on modulating pain – whenexperimental subjects were shown pictures that provoked differentemotional states, this caused corresponding changes in relevant structuresinvolved in pain processing in the brain (Roy 2009).

Pathophysiological ConsiderationChronic stress response can comprise the hormonal and metabolic changeswhich follow trauma or injury, a systemic reaction which encompasses awide range of endocrinological, immunological and haematological effects– impacting normal wound healing.

Pathophysiological Consideration

Chronic stress response can comprise the hormonal and metabolic changes

which follow trauma or injury, a systemic reaction which encompasses a

wide range of endocrinological, immunological and haematological effects

– impacting normal wound healing.

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