[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


323–9.Kania A (2012) Scars. In: Dryden T, Moyer C, eds. Massage therapy: integrating research and practice.Human Kinetics Ch 15, 173–184.Karasawa K (2014) Problems after radiation therapy. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho [Cancer & Chemotherapy]41(1): 27–30.Khan MS, Bann SD, Darzi A, Butler PEM (2002) Suturing: a lost art. Annals of the Royal College ofSurgeons of England 84 (4): 278–279.Kobesova A et al (2007) Twenty-year-old pathogenic ‘active’ postsurgical scar: a case study of a patientwith persistent right lower quadrant pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 30(3):234–238.Kowalske K, Holavanahalli R, Helm P (2001) Neuropathy after burn injury. Journal of Burn Care andResearch 22(5): 353–357.Krishnamoorthy R, Karthikeyan G (2011) Degloving injuries of the hand. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery44(2): 227–236.Latifi R (2013) The diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of degloving soft-tissue injuries, Department ofSurgery University of Arizona. Available at: http://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/surgery/surgery01.php[Accessed 27 February 2015].Lee TS, Kilbreath SL, Refshange KM et al (2009) Prognosis of the upper limb following surgery andradiation for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 110: 19–37.Linares HA (1996) From wound to scar. Burns 22(5): 339–352.Lu C, Fuchs E (2014) Sweat gland progenitors in development, homeostasis, and wound repair. Cold SpringHarbor Perspectives in Medicine 4(2): a015222.MacDonald G (2003) Cancer, radiation and massage. Available at:http://www.massagetherapy.com/articles/index.php/article_id/184/Cancer-Radiation-and-Massage[Accessed 24 March 2015].Mancini RE, Quaife JV (1962) Histogenesis of experimentally produced keloids. Journal of InvestigativeDermatology 38: 143–81.Marieb EN (2003) Essentials of human anatomy and physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, Ch7, p. 234–235.Nakagawa N, Matsumoto M, Sakai S (2010) In vivo measurement of the water content in the dermis byconfocal Raman spectroscopy. Skin Research and Technology 16(2): 137–141.National Cancer Institute (2014) Lymphedema PDQ®. General information about lymphedema. Availableat: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/supportivecare/lymphedema/Patient/page1.National Institutes of Health (2015) Medline Plus. Telangiectasia. Bethesda: US National Library ofMedicine. Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003284.htm [Accessed 13February 2015].National Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction Audit (2008) A national audit of provision and outcomes ofmastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery for women in England and Wales. First Annual Report of theNational Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit 2008. NHS Information Center, p 23.Neill T, Liliana Schaefer L, Renato V, Iozzo RV (2012) A guardian from the matrix. The American Journalof Pathology 181(2): 380–387.Niessen FB, Spauwen PH, Kon M (1997) The role of suture material in hypertrophic scar formation:

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Kania A (2012) Scars. In: Dryden T, Moyer C, eds. Massage therapy: integrating research and practice.

Human Kinetics Ch 15, 173–184.

Karasawa K (2014) Problems after radiation therapy. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho [Cancer & Chemotherapy]

41(1): 27–30.

Khan MS, Bann SD, Darzi A, Butler PEM (2002) Suturing: a lost art. Annals of the Royal College of

Surgeons of England 84 (4): 278–279.

Kobesova A et al (2007) Twenty-year-old pathogenic ‘active’ postsurgical scar: a case study of a patient

with persistent right lower quadrant pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 30(3):


Kowalske K, Holavanahalli R, Helm P (2001) Neuropathy after burn injury. Journal of Burn Care and

Research 22(5): 353–357.

Krishnamoorthy R, Karthikeyan G (2011) Degloving injuries of the hand. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

44(2): 227–236.

Latifi R (2013) The diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of degloving soft-tissue injuries, Department of

Surgery University of Arizona. Available at: http://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/surgery/surgery01.php

[Accessed 27 February 2015].

Lee TS, Kilbreath SL, Refshange KM et al (2009) Prognosis of the upper limb following surgery and

radiation for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 110: 19–37.

Linares HA (1996) From wound to scar. Burns 22(5): 339–352.

Lu C, Fuchs E (2014) Sweat gland progenitors in development, homeostasis, and wound repair. Cold Spring

Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 4(2): a015222.

MacDonald G (2003) Cancer, radiation and massage. Available at:


[Accessed 24 March 2015].

Mancini RE, Quaife JV (1962) Histogenesis of experimentally produced keloids. Journal of Investigative

Dermatology 38: 143–81.

Marieb EN (2003) Essentials of human anatomy and physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, Ch

7, p. 234–235.

Nakagawa N, Matsumoto M, Sakai S (2010) In vivo measurement of the water content in the dermis by

confocal Raman spectroscopy. Skin Research and Technology 16(2): 137–141.

National Cancer Institute (2014) Lymphedema PDQ®. General information about lymphedema. Available

at: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/supportivecare/lymphedema/Patient/page1.

National Institutes of Health (2015) Medline Plus. Telangiectasia. Bethesda: US National Library of

Medicine. Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003284.htm [Accessed 13

February 2015].

National Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction Audit (2008) A national audit of provision and outcomes of

mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery for women in England and Wales. First Annual Report of the

National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit 2008. NHS Information Center, p 23.

Neill T, Liliana Schaefer L, Renato V, Iozzo RV (2012) A guardian from the matrix. The American Journal

of Pathology 181(2): 380–387.

Niessen FB, Spauwen PH, Kon M (1997) The role of suture material in hypertrophic scar formation:

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